Wednesday 16 January 2019

"Vice" (Preview Screening)

The creative force behind this latest biopic, Adam McKay and I do not have the best track record.  He produced "Daddy's Home" and its sequel. He was executive Producer on "Grimsby" and "The Dictator". He Directed & Co-wrote "The Big Short". And most unforgivable of all is that he Produced "Holmes & Watson".

But all that being said, I am prepared to overlook all that has gone before, for McKay has created a TRUE masterpiece with "Vice", a compelling look at the life of Vice President Dick Cheney.

Dick Cheney is a loser, at least he is when first we see him in the film, during an arrest in Wyoming in 1963. His Wife basically tells him to shape up or ship out. History tells us the answer to that one.
No matter what your politics or thoughts on the man, this is a totally 100% compelling film which gives us a real insight into the second, and some would argue, the most powerful man on Earth. From his early beginnings as a family man, to his various roles at The White House, to becoming Vice President under President Bush. From Health scares to Weapons of Mass Destruction, from dealing with a Lesbian daughter to the Oil business, it's all here.

The style of the film is similar to that used in "The Big Short", but where that film got bogged down in financial jargon, this is an almost addictive look at the man's life. You keep wanting to know more and more.
There are some amazing performances. Amy Adams excels as Lynne Cheney, as does Steve Carrell as Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Also worthy of note is Sam Rockwell as President Bush.

Over the years, I have seen many films, and so therefore have seen many performances. And some of those have been truly exceptional. I think it is fair to say that the performance by Christian Bale is one of the best that I have ever seen. And that is quite some statement. Naturally the performance is helped by the great make-up work, under the legendary Greg Cannom, but make-up only goes so far. It still has to rely on an acting talent to deliver a great performance.
I still think that an actor from a biopic will take home the Leading Actor Oscar, but now it could be more to do with President than Queen.
And of course I have to commend Director and Writer Adam McKay for such a punchy screenplay that keeps one constantly looking at the screen. 135 minutes just flies by.

If I had been given the opportunity by the Cinema to sit and watch the film again, right there, I would not have hesitated, It IS that good.
It's dramatic, funny, brilliantly told, and at the forefront is one of the finest performances you will ever see.......10 out of 10

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