Sunday 6 January 2019

"Colette" (Preview Screening)

This film has everyone talking about how great Keira Knightley is in the title role, a role that sees her playing French novellist Colette, who was one of several ghost writers used by her well known Husband 'Willy'. She creates a series of nevels which become a huge success, and understandably she wants to have her name added to the book, but her Husband refuses saying that it will impact sales, and He is the face behind the book.

From humble Country life beginnings to the hustle and bustle of Paris, Colette becomes aware of their lack of funds, not only is Willy frittering away their money on wine and song, but women also. Colette finds solace in the kindred spirit of 'Missy'. They embark on a relationship, one that lasted for many years.

Naturally given recent events with all the MeToo campaign, and gender pay equality, the film has a great deal of relevance, and I'm sure that there is much that people can relate to. It seems that things have not changed much over the last 120 years.

Keira Knightley is very enchancting as Colette, and is her best performance for some time. I did see one review that said "It is the performance that Keira will be remembered for some time". Well I wouldn't go quite that far, but certainly it is an excellent piece of work. Dominic West is ok as Husband Willy.
One actress who is always a delight to watch is Fiona Shaw, and she is on top form playing Colette's Mother. Another great peformance is from Denise Gough as Missy, the love interest.

It is a good film, enjoyable enough. It just did not have that punch to make it an extraordinary film.

7 out of 10

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