Sunday 6 January 2019

"Mary Poppins Returns"

A very brave move by Disney to make a sequel to such a beloved film, especially over 50 years after the original came out.
But then again possibly enough time has passed by to revisit the flying Nanny.

Jane and Michael Banks are now grown up, and Michael has a family of his own. But his wife passed away a year ago, and he is all set to lose the family home. Just when their need is the greatest, in comes Mary Poppins. Aside from learning the children how to have a sense of fun, it is never really clear what purpose she is there to serve.
It is a slightly different interpretation of Mary Poppins, at times walking round the Banks house more  like a Sergeant Major than a Nanny. If anyone was to play the role then I can think of no one better than Emily Emily, who does a decent enough job.
Panto season is in full swing with Colin Firth doing his moustache twirling villainy as the evil Bank Manager.
Lin-Manuel Miranda is excellent as Candle snuffer Jack, and does a great job of exorcising the Cockney accent of original star Dick Van Dyke.
For me the worst written character is Michael Banks, who seems very wishy washy, and you just want to shout at him to grow a pair.

It's enjoyable enough, and fans young and old will be entertained. Will this still be being watched in 50 years time, like the original? 6 out of 10

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