Saturday 12 January 2019

"The Front Runner" (Preview Screening)

Ever since I saw the trailer for this film, I have been keen to see it, and thanks to a preview screening, I got to do so early.

Some of us here in the UK do follow American Politics, so we have seen the likes of Walter Mondale, Michael Dukakis and Geraldine Ferraro come and go. One name that might not be overly familiar is that of Gary Hart, a charming and charismatic Democrat who was the front runner for the Party nomination, and would therefore run for President in 1988.

And why did he never get to sit in The White House as Commander in Chief?  A news report broke of an extra-marital affair, and the house of cards came tumbling down.
A some of you know, films involving Politics and The White House have always caught my attention, so this was a must see film, especially as it is based on true events.

But like Donald Trump at a 'We Love Mexico' Rally, it fails to deliver.
We get a little of his back story, seeing how he did not get the nomination in 1984, and then we join him and his team as they look to get the Democrat nomination for 1988, and then the events that cause his fall from grace.

Overall the film lacks any real tension. For want of a better choice of words, I was bored. Some say its poses questions that are as relevant today as they were 30 years ago, and yes that may be the case, but if those questions get bogged down in a dull film, then what is the point?
Many are raving about Hugh Jackman's performance, as you will see from the poster. He smiles, then he looks mean and moody, and shouts quite a lot. That about sums it up. And I'm sorry but I would have thought that with Studio money behind the film, you would have thought they would have forked out for a more realistic wig for Jackman to wear!!!!
A great actress like Vera Farmiga, who plays Harts wife is given little to do.
J. K. Simmons does fare better as we see him as the equivalent of a Campaign Manager.

Like some school reports say.....Could do better......5 out of 10

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