Monday 21 January 2019

"Mary Queen of Scots"

At one point it was looking like this film was a favourite for serious Oscar contention. It may still bag an Oscar nod for Lead Actress for Saoirse Ronan, and possibly the odd craft nomination but that will be about it.

Despite having seen two previous films about the Virgin Queen, brilliantly played by Cate Blanchett, this film unsurprisingly concentrates more on the Queen of Scotland, and there is a lot to learn, also I was surprised how little Margot Robbie appears in the film. We got the usual brief overview to cover Mary's early years. And we first see her as she arrives in Scotland.
With the Protestants and Catholics  at war with each other, it is essentially a race between the two Queens to see who can provide an Heir first, and thus hopefully become Monarch of both Countries.
Mary having to also deal with plotting from within her own Subjects, as well as her scheming Husband, Lord Darnley.

I have to say that one of the best scenes in the film is where the two Queens meet, having a meeting in private to try and reach an amicable agreement, and yet in history, it never actually took place, as Mary and Elizabeth never met. It does piss me off when writers need to fabricate scenes for dramatic purposes especially in a history biopic.

The whole cast do an excellent job, and there are many familiar faces from Timelords to staff Members of Downton Abbey. Margot Robbie is good as Elizabeth but this really is Saoirse Ronan's film. She really is outstanding as Mary. If she does get an nomination, it will be her fourth, of which three will have been for Lead Actress. It will only be a matter of time before she does have an Academy Award.

The Direction is fairly solid, and comes courtesy of Josie Rourke, and if it is a name you are not familiar with, then this is her feature debut, and most impressive it is too.
As I say, it is a good film, just not one that I would watch over and over. It is questionable if I would buy it, but what I saw I enjoyed.....7 out of 10

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