Friday 18 January 2019

"Glass" (Preview Screening)

Who would have thought that almost 20 years after the release of the smash hit "Unbreakable" that we would now be watching this third film in the planned trilogy?
I have to say that I never knew that this was planned as a trilogy. The first inkling I got was possibly like many others when seeing the very closing shots of "Split" and the surprise appearance of 'David Dunn', the Bruce Willis character from "Unbreakable".

The two worlds of "Unbreakable" and "Split" collide as we see characters from both films all gear up for the battle of Good Vs Evil, David trying to track down 'The Beast', one of the many split personalities of Kevin Wendall Crumb.
Entering into the fray is 'Doctor Ellie Staple', who believes that she can explain away the so called super powers of Kevin, David and Elijah Price.

Are these three characters deluded and that there is nothing actually at all special about them?
Do they actually possess great powers?

I am not sure whether I missed any reference to when the film is set in relation to "Split" but I read one review which said it was four weeks later, so let's go with that.
David has his own Home Security firm, and is working with his Son, Joseph, and in a nice touch the role is reprised by Spencer Treat Clark, who I always thought gave an astonishing performance in "Unbreakable". They are trying to track down 'The Beast' as four local girls are missing. Using his powers, David does indeed find Kevin, but before a showdown ensues they are both apprehended by the authorities, and put in an institution, under the charge of 'Doctor Staple', along with 'Elijah Price'.
The remainder of the film is pretty in the grounds of the Hospital as the good Doctor tries to explain away their powers. And yes it can get a bit bogged down at times, but one always gets a sense that there will be a big pay-off, that unfortunately never comes.
It is hard to go into too much detail without giving away key plot details.Samuel L. Jackson has recently said that due to world events that the original ending was changed. Would that have improved the finale?  Guess we'll never know.

One thing is certain is that once again James McAvoy gives an astonishing performance. It's not just about finding the right voice and characteristics for each of this personalities, but he changes his body language too in the flick of a switch. It's really impressive to watch. Sadly Willis and Jackson are given very little to do, both performances pale to what we saw in "Unbreakable".

It's a good film, and worth watching for McAvoy alone, and nice to see Willis and Treat Clark together again, but does it have a twist ending?????
I won't shatter your expectations, you need to go see the film......6 out of 10

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