Wednesday 23 January 2019

"Can You Ever Forgive Me?" (Preview Screening)

This latest film, which opens in the UK on Feb 1st, has been the toast of so many recent Film Festivals, and rightly so.

The film is about Lee Israel, a Biographer who is going through a bit of a rough patch. Her last book can be found in the bargain bin, and her Publicist is far from interested in what she is currently working on. She gets invited to a get together hy her Agent, but she does not stay is fair to say that she is not a people person, much prefering the company of her lovable Cat. When not at home, she can either be found researching her new book, or found in a local bar, where she makes the acquaintance of  Jack Hock, a wise talking man of the Street. He's gay, HIV positive, and on occasion deals drugs, but oh so charming.

Whilst going through a reference book on Fanny Brice, the subject of her new book, she finds a typed letter from Fanny, Lee promptly pockets the letter, and then sells it to a local Book Seller. She discovers that there is a quite a market for literary memorabilia. So she gets herself an old typewriter, and starts to produce a few of her own, but in the style of the author she is imitating.
Life has once more become sweet for Lee, rent is getting paid on time, and she can enjoy herself. Unfortunately for her, the World of literary memorabilia has something of an inner circle, and dealers start talking to one another, and it becomes clear what is afoot. When the FBI start to investigate Lee has to take drastic action, and so goes into partnership with Jack, a fresh face who can carry on her good work.  As to how it all pans out, you'll have to watch the film.

Needless to say that the film is as much fun as it sounds, it is a truly delightful story, and whilst no one would wish to commend Lee for what she did, you have got to hand it to her for an ingenious way to pay her bills. Although there is much humour in the film, there is also some drama, and again this proves that Comedy actors can make an excellent job of drama, with both Melissa McCarthy and Richard E. Grant on top form, what a great double act they make, such a delight to watch.

 And the main question from the the word "starfucker" one or two words???  8 out of 10

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