Sunday 25 August 2019

"Good Boys"

There is an age old slogan within the Cinematic world, if the trailer is funny then the film will most definitely not be.
Prepare to meet the exception.
Yes the trailer is funny, but the film is even more so.

Three best friends, Max, Thor & Lucas, they do everything together. In the scheme of things they think that are moderately cool. Not total geeks but not ultra cool either. Soren is deemed to be the king of cool at school, and when he invites Max to a party he is having, Max asks if he can invite his two compadres. Soren agrees, and this goes down well, until the boys realise that they might have to actually kiss a girl. The thought of this instills total fear in them, as none have any understanding of what to do.
So given the situation, what would any curious 12 year old do???  Consult the internet, with hilarious results. The boys quest to be enlightened about how to kiss also ends up involving a drone and two pill obsessed older girls.

The premise is simple but it really works. It may sound daft but there is something very funny about seeing 12 year olds on screen cursing enough to make a marine blush. There are jokes a plenty, some of a very adult nature, literally, but it is a real laugh out loud comedy, making me wish I'd taken my inhaler.
The film does also look at friendship and that bond that ties us when we are younger. All three young leads are excellent, I have to confess only being aware of Jacob Tremblay but it is nice to see him in an adult comedy after a few forays into drama.

Loved it, and could easily watch it again........8 out of 10

Saturday 24 August 2019

"Angel Has Fallen"

It is fair to say that I went in very sceptical as to whether I would enjoy this third film to feature Secret Service Agent Mike Banning. When the first "Fallen" came out, it was up against the mightier budget of "White House Down", and sorry Gerard but the far better on the eye Channing Tatum. That's not to say that the first film was not without merit, as it was very enjoyable.
Then came the inevitable sequel.......and oh boy....where did it go so badly wrong? I know that "London Has Fallen" will have appeared in my list of one of the worst films of that year. So you may understand my concerns about seeing this new film "Angel Has Fallen".

President Trumbull (Freeman) is still in The White House, and has his most trusted Secret Service agent by his side. Though the rigours of active duty and age are taking their toll on Mike, and one wonders how much longer he will be able to effectively protect the most powerful man on Earth.
Whilst on a fishing trip, there is an assassination attempt on the President, he survives, but all the Security detail are killed apart from Banning, making him suspect no 1 as the guilty party responsible.

What follows is a cat and mouse chase as Banning sets out to proof his innocence, and also protect the President, as he believes that he is not yet out of danger.

The action comes thick and fast, from a brilliantly staged tense drone attack on the President, to a Hospital going kaboom to a team of mercenaries being taken out in a forest, but not by Banning, but someone close to home, his Dad, brilliantly played by Nick Nolte, and stealing almost every scene he is in.
It is obvious who is initially behind the attack, and then more so who is the puppet master behind it all, but it is great fun watching it all unfold on screen.

I loved everything about the film, the story, the action, and some great work from the likes of Gerard Butler, Nick Nolte and the always reliable Morgan Freeman.
For me this is the best film in the series, and I cannot recommend it highly enough, I can think of no better way to spend an evening at the Cinema.....brace yourself......9 out of 10

Tuesday 21 May 2019

"Rocketman" (Preview Screening)

A Biopic can be a tricky film to do, but when the subject is still very much with us, it can be quite an uphill battle. But in this case, it helps that the subject and his significant other are both Producer and Executive Producer of the film in question.
Any film thats looks at the life of one Reg Dwight, or rather Elton John was always going to be a larger than life affair.

We see Elton come crashing into a rehab meeting, and from there we go back to his early life as a boy in Pinner, seeing life with his Mum, and often absent Father, whom he craves affection from but never gets. At an early age he shows a great gift for playing the piano, and  the rest as they say is history.

We go through all the ups and down, told at times with a fantastical spin but very well done. Any fans expecting a film similar in style to that of "Bohemian Rhapsody" may be disappointed. It is more keeping in style of stage productions like "Mamma Mia" and "Jersey Boys" to use the songs of the artist to tell the story.
The cast are really good, from Gemma Jones as Elton's Nan to Richard Madden as John Reid, and of course the always very reliable Jamie Bell as Bernie Taupin.
One major difference between this film and another recent biopic, is that lead actor Taron Egerton does sing all his songs as Elton John. His performance is phenomenal, in both singing and acting. I can only imagine that Elton is really thrilled at seeing this astounding young actor telling his story.

Whilst I did really enjoy the film, and especially loved the work by Taron Egerton, as a whole the film did not move me as mcuh, or leave me as uplifted as "Bohemian Rhapsody", but it is still well worth watching...................8 out of 10

Monday 8 April 2019

"Eighth Grade" - Preview Screening

For people of a certain age, namely yours truly, so 40+, then there is an obvious comparison with this film, and that is to compare it with the great works of John Hughes. Those great films from the 1980's, which gave an insight into teen life over 30 years ago.
I guess that had the target audience foe those films been four years younger, then this is the kind of film that we would have gotten. But the main difference is that the likes of Ferris Bueller, Sloan Peterson, Miss Amanda Jones and many others did not have mobile phones, Instagram, Twitter and much more to help or even hinder their growing up.

We get introduced to Kayla, she is very shy and quiet girl, very unnoticeable school, no friends, and would not say boo to a goose. Yet she makes videos at home, motivational ones to help girls feel more confident about themselves, even though it is something that she is lacking in herself. She lives very constant source of embarrassment of a Father, and soon to finish Eighth Grade, and move to High School.
The film brilliantly showcases all that plagues us when at school and aged 13 / 14. From spots to the fear of not being popular, to having a crush on a boy, to the already mentioned parents from hell.

In the run up to going to High School, the students get to spend a day shadowing a High School student, and Kayla is paired up with Olivia, a very confident and friendly young lady, and she is so welcoming of Kayla, and starts her on the path that will see her come out of her shell.

At the centre of the film is a truly brilliant performance from Elsie Fisher as Kayla, she is the real heart of the film, and she does  an outstanding job of conveying every possible hell that we go through at that age. It is a very assured performance, despite being about someone who is so very unsure of themself.

There is something for all of us to relate to, and complimented with great writing and as said, a great central performance....a delight to watch.....8 out of 10

Thursday 28 March 2019

"Shazam!" - (Preview Screening)

It is a well known fact that films based on DC Comics are pretty downbeat. You only have to look at any of the Batman / Superman films. It is also fair to say that "Wonder Woman" was a step in the right direction.

Well finally along comes a film that is upbeat, funny, and VERY entertaining. I supposed the nearest Marvel comparison would be "Guardians of the Galaxy", that kind of light easy going film.

Thad is in the car with his Father and older Brother, often teased, he seeks solace in bigger things via his Magic8Ball. When strange symbols appear on the ball, before he knows it he is transported to another world, a world where a Sourceror's time is coming to end. And he seeks one that is pure of heart to take over his exalted position. In the past things have not gone well for the choice of Chosen One, when the Council of Eternity were all but wiped out. Shazam being the only survivor.
Keen to make the right choice, he tests his candidate, but Thad fails, and spends the next 45 years trying to find a way back to that World, to take the power he knows he is deserving of.

Billy Batson is desperately tring to find his Mum, since being seperated from her at a local Fair when he was four years old. Ten years later, and he is a troublesome teen, going from one Foster home to another, trying to get information to reunite him with his missing Parent. He too gets selected to take the test, and he succeeds, taking on the mantle of Shazam, and all his amazing powers.
And this is where the magic really begins, seeing how a 14 year old in the body of a man in his 30's and equipped with many superpowers reacts. Its a testament to the great performances of both Asher Angel as 14 year old Billy and Zachary Levi as Shazam. It would be hard for Billy to hide his alter ego, so some of his Foster siblings do find out, with hilarious results.

There are great scenes where Freddy, his Foster brother helps Billy to understand what his Superpowers are, helping them become an internet sensation, and trying to earn some extra pocket money on the side.
Eventually comes the big showdown with Thad, who has become the villain of the piece, and having the power of the Seven Deadly Sins, a collective of powerful demons. He wants to complete his Power by having that of Shazam.

The events of the past are told slickly but enough to give us an idea of what is to come, and what makes the characters take the actions they do. There is a lot of fun to be had in this highly entertaining film. The action is well choreographed, the visual effects are excellent, and all the cast excel in their roles. There is NO weak link. The relationship between Billy and Freddy is brilliantly played out, these two young actors are outstanding, and a special mention to Faithe Herman, who plays Darla, youngest child at the Vasquez residence, where Billy resides. She is both adorable and very funny. And it goes without saying that Mark Strong does villainy very well.

So as one would expect there is a lot of heart within the film, and also a wonderful display of innocence, especially with Billy being only 14. Its not like Deadpool, where there is much swearing or adult humour. I think that Zachary Levi desribed it perfectly when he said 'It's like "Big" with superpowers'. Very apt.

A second viewing is a given........SHAZAM!!!....9 out of 10

Friday 22 February 2019

"The 91st Annual Academy Awards" - My Predictions

With less than a week to go, the 91st Annual Academy Awards will soon be upon us. And I think that it is fair to say that it has not been the easist of rides this year. We gained and lost a new category, we gained and lost a new Host, and we almost lost and then got back the televising of 4 Oscars, most importantly for Cinematography and Editing.

I personally think that the Award for Popular Film is an excellent idea, and I hope that it gets implemented next year. Some feel that it is not a good idea, becaiuse it means that a popular is less likely to win the Best Picture Oscar. Let's face it, the likelihood of the Oscar for Best Picture going to "Avengers Assemble: Infinity War" , "Furious 7", or "Avatar" are practically impossible, and frankly rightly so. But surely to win a Popular Oscar is better than no Oscar at all.

Anyway, I'm getting sidetracked. As usual I will compile my list of those whom I think will Win and those whom I would like to see Win.

As usual, my list will consist of the following:-

Best Original Screenplay
Best Screenplay Based on Material Previously Produced or Published
Best Actress in a Supporting Role
Best Actor in a Supporting Role
Best Actress in a Leading Role
Best Actor in a Leading Role
Best Director
Best Picture

Out of the 43 nominations that the varied films have garnered from these 8 categories, I have to date seen 32. So not as good as last year, and some of the blame for that can be laid at the door of Netflix, but don't get me started on that.

Best Original Screenplay

Although I have yet to see "Roma" I do know that there is this huge wave of affection towards the film, which is why I think it will win. Of the other films, I would love to see "Green Book" win.

Best Screenplay Based on Material Previously Produced or Published

I do think that "BlackKklansman" will win, though not necessarily for the right reasons. Enough said. I would love the Screenplay for "Can You Ever Forgive Me" to win, it was delightful and a real breath of fresh air.

Best Actress in a Supporting Role 

I am really torn between these two actresses. Although I still think that Regina King will win, I cannot rule out a Win, and my preferred choice for Rachel Weisz for "The Favourite". In fact having now seen "Beale St", I think that Rachel Weisz definitely deserves to win, though I still think that King will prevail, but this is one category that I hope I get wrong.

Best Actor in a Supporting Role

If there is such as a thing as a certainty with this years show, then this has to be the one.

Despite only having won the same award two years ago, Mahershala Ali looks set to double his Oscar tally, with his brilliant performance as Dr. Don Shirley in "Green Book". Not wanting to push home grown talent, but I would dearly love to see the amazing Richard E. Grant win for "Can You Ever Forgive Me?". I firmly believe that the race is just between these two.

Best Actress in a Leading Role

As a film fan I am really torn. I am a HUGE fan of both of these two amazing actresses. But if I had to pick, I would say that Glenn Close is long overdue for an Oscar. I loved Olivia Colman is "The Favourite". and I think that in any other year, she would be walking away with Oscar, but having been nominated 6 times before, and never having won, it is time for Glenn Close to be known as an Academy Winner....

Best Actor in a Leading Role

Like with Leading Actress, either of these two fine actors giving tuly stunning performances could win the Lead Actor Oscar, but given the number of Awards already filling his Cabinet, I feel that the Academy will reward Rami Malek for his great work as Freddie Mercury in "Bohemian Rhapsody". Thinking about it, we have not had an acting tie in a number of years..hint hint

Best Director

As I've mentioned about the love for "Roma", it extends to its very talented Director Alfonso Cuaron who I think will bag another Directing Oscar.
I would love to see Adam McKay win for "Vice" which I thought to be one of the best films that I have seen in years.

Best Picture

Despite that there have been a number of this years Best Picture nominees all pick up a major Best Picture award along the way to the Academy Awards, I think that "Roma" will be triumphant with the Big Prize.

I would be absolutely tickled pink if Adam McKay's "Vice" won, as the film and the performance by Christian Bale absolutely blew me away.

So just to are my predixtions for what & who I think will win the Academy Award

Best Original Screenplay - "ROMA"
Best Screenplay Based on Material Previously Produced or Published - "BLACKKKLANSMAN"
Best Actress in a Supporting Role - "REGINA KING"
Best Actor in a Supporting Role - "MAHERSHALA ALI"
Best Actress in a Leading Role - "GLENN CLOSE"
Best Actor in a Leading Role - "RAMI MALEK"
Best Director - "ALFONSO CUARON"
Best Picture - "ROMA"

At this point I would normally wish the Host the very best of luck, but for the first time in 30 years we do not have an MC. Hope it's a great show, with a few surprises, and fingers crossed I win the odd bet or two.

Saturday 9 February 2019

"Boy Erased"

Religion and sexuality clash in this powerful new drama.

The film  opens as Jared arrives at Conversion Therapy. This is an organisation which looks to expel the gay tendancies that young people have, by a variety of methods, and to also illustrate that to be gay is a choice, not that they are born that way. As someone chooses to play or not play football, they can choose to be gay or straight.

As Jared spends more time in therapy we journey back with him, to some of the events from his past. And it is one of these events that sees Jared in therapy, though through no fault of his own, more to do with someone trying to save their own skin.

Russell Crowe plays Marshall Eamons, a Baptist Preacher, with a lovingly religious Wife, Nicole Kidman, and their young Son Jared, played by Lucas Hedges.
From these journies to the past, we can see why Jared was keen to keep his sexuality a secret from his parents, and when all comes out, it is decided that it would be best for him to attend Gay Conversion Therapy.
Running the centre is Victor Sykes, who firmly believes that he can convert the young. Nothing can be discussed outside the centre as to what goes on inside. One of the first things that Sykes tells Jared is that many of his family members will have traits that have influenced his gay choice.
As time goes on, Jared starts to question the benefit of being in therapy. His Father is clearly determined to have his Son cleansed of this unholy choice he has made. But Mother Nancy is faced with a dilemma of apeasing her husband, and caring for her Son. It all comes to a head in a particularly powerrful and distressing scene.

It is hard to believe that in the 21st Century that these kind of places still exist, but sadly they do. There were times when I was watching the film that I got really angry. The above mentioned distressing scene really made my blood boil. I felt like I wanted to reach into the screen and help out Jared. I felt so useless.

Yes there is a happy ending, and its not really a spoiler, as the screenplay is based on the real life events of Garrard Conley. It makes for compelling and at times uncomfortable viewing.
All the cast are excellent, but especially Lucas Hedges. Like Timothee Chalamet, he has become one of the bright new stars, turning out one great performance after another, and this really is exemplary.

One thing is for sure, the film will not be easily erased from your memory......9 out of 10

Saturday 2 February 2019

"The Mule"

Has it really been six years since Clint Eastwood last appeared on screen in 2012's "Trouble Witth The Curve"???
And even more remarkable, it has been 10 years since Clint appeared in "Gran Torino". He did famously announce that he was going to stay behind the camera several years ago, and has made some good films since, most notably "American Sniper" and "Sully".

For "The Mule" Clint has once again returned to acting taking the lead role as 'Earl' a 90 year old who loves growing flowers, and has fallen on hard times, and is presented with a unique way to make some easy money.

Early on we find out that whilst Earl has a great love for his prize winning flowers, he has rather neglected his Family. Whether it is spending days away from home whilst travelling or tending to his blooms, they feel they have been sidelined for his beloved flowers. He even fails to make it to his Daughter's wedding. Despite the great animosity this causes, his Grand-Daughter still loves him, and when it is her turn to get married some years later, Earl is keen to help out financially. Unfortunately for him, in those passing years, the internet has become the norm, and buying flowers from a person is seen as old hat, and Earl finds himself out of business, and at risk of losing his home. A chance encounter at a family party puts Earl in contact with some Mexicans looking for a courier. He turns up, his pick-up is loaded with "produce", he takes it to a set location, he waits around for a while, returns to his vehicle where the merchandise is gone, and he is a few thousand dollars better off. Earl is an ideal choice, as he has a clean driving license, and never even had a speeding ticket.
For Earl it is a one off, a means to an end. But it doesn't stop there, as more money is needed. The shipments get more regular, and get bigger in size.
The only thing for Earl is that he is a Courier working on behalf of a major Mexican drug Cartel, and he is transporting some of the finest cocaine on the market.But given his unique qualities, he becomes their most successful courier.

There are scenes where Earl is taken to Mexico to meet the Drug Lord who runs the Cartel. Would this really have happened? There is no indication that they ever met, as far as I am aware. This whole segment seems a little unnecessary, even more so given that ladies that are paraded for Earl's pleasure. I mean the man is 90. But he gets to meet the Boss, played by Andy Garcia, now he is the nice Drug Lord. But soon his depuities don't like his nicey nicey methods, so take matters in their own hands, and thus don't tolerate Earl's easy going methods, and put it in no uncertain terms what will happen to him unless he tows the line.
Will the Mexicans bring Earl's transporting to an abrupt end, or will the Authorities track down the mysterious Courier known as 'Tata'?

There is something deeply reassuring about seeing Clint Eastwood on the big screen. It has been far too long since he has been in front of the camera. But he is just so completely believable in the role, as we see a man, who has a passion for his flowers, but also is aware that it has cost him dearly, in the animosity from his family. A man who has realised too late where his priorities should have been.
There is good support from Dianne Wiest and Bradley Cooper. Unlike far too many of the new releases these days, the film is beautifully photographed and edited perfectly, nice long shots, no cut aways every half a second. It is a film made by a master craftsman.

Nice to have you back Clint, you've made my day.....8 out of 10

Thursday 31 January 2019

"Escape Room" (Preview Screening)

A group of starngers each receive a gift, seemingly from a friend, associate or family member. Inside is a puzzle box, upon cracking thye secret of the box, they get an invite to attend an Escape Room, where if they solve the mysteries of the room, they could win $10,000.

So we meet a group of six people, contestants for want of a better phrase, as they congregate in this waiting room, eager for the contest to begin. As is usually the case with these things, there is a mixed bag of people. One of whom is a major gaming nerd, and seemingly quite the expert, having been in several rooms in the past. Will he be the key to the groups success?

As time passes by it becomes clear that this is not a game, and that things can be rather deadly.
Who will win and thus survive?  Do we care?

It is not exactly an original idea, as it seems to take aspects of "Saw", "Cube" and "Final Destination", and despite the pedigree of those three films, it falls well short of anything really good. It's ok, and yes I've seen far worse.....5 out of 10

PS - Surprised that they took part for so little money

Sunday 27 January 2019


When I saw the trailer for this film, I thought it has got "my kind of film" written all over it. I was blown away by it, so it was inevitable that I would see this latest film for Oscar winning actress Nicole Kidman.

The film opens with Erin Bell in her car, not looking her best. She is an LAPD officer. Though you would not think it to look at her.
She visits a crime scene, a body has been found, and upon seeing a dye stained bank note, it is a message that someone from her past is back.
We then jump back about 17 years to when Erin and her Partner Chris are on an undercover assignment. They have worked their way into a group of nefarious characters, headed by Leader Silas.  Trust is created and they are part of the team, a team that is going to carry out a bank job.
The film jumps about between the two time periods. We see Erin and Chris getting close, and in the present day Erin a ghost of her former self, seemingly self destructive and dealing with a rebellious teen daughter. Certainly in present day she is spiralling out of control, and this is illustrated with a tour de force performance from Nicole Kidman.

Knowing that her past is catching up with her, Erin hopes to settle an old score and may be redeem herself. We get to know more about her relationship with Chris, what became of him, and the events that no doubt began her downfall.

It may not have helped that I fell asleep through this film, so maybe I was not giving my full 100% attention, but I was not as enthralled with the film as I was with the trailer. It is still a good film, dominated by a truly outstanding performance from, at times, an almost unrecognisable Kidman.

The Ladies are out in force with excellent Direction from Karyn Kusama and great Cinematography from Julie Kirkwood. But just as a whole film, I felt it was lacking something, or maybe it was my inability to stay awake,a second viewing may some day be in order.......7 out of 10

Wednesday 23 January 2019

"Can You Ever Forgive Me?" (Preview Screening)

This latest film, which opens in the UK on Feb 1st, has been the toast of so many recent Film Festivals, and rightly so.

The film is about Lee Israel, a Biographer who is going through a bit of a rough patch. Her last book can be found in the bargain bin, and her Publicist is far from interested in what she is currently working on. She gets invited to a get together hy her Agent, but she does not stay is fair to say that she is not a people person, much prefering the company of her lovable Cat. When not at home, she can either be found researching her new book, or found in a local bar, where she makes the acquaintance of  Jack Hock, a wise talking man of the Street. He's gay, HIV positive, and on occasion deals drugs, but oh so charming.

Whilst going through a reference book on Fanny Brice, the subject of her new book, she finds a typed letter from Fanny, Lee promptly pockets the letter, and then sells it to a local Book Seller. She discovers that there is a quite a market for literary memorabilia. So she gets herself an old typewriter, and starts to produce a few of her own, but in the style of the author she is imitating.
Life has once more become sweet for Lee, rent is getting paid on time, and she can enjoy herself. Unfortunately for her, the World of literary memorabilia has something of an inner circle, and dealers start talking to one another, and it becomes clear what is afoot. When the FBI start to investigate Lee has to take drastic action, and so goes into partnership with Jack, a fresh face who can carry on her good work.  As to how it all pans out, you'll have to watch the film.

Needless to say that the film is as much fun as it sounds, it is a truly delightful story, and whilst no one would wish to commend Lee for what she did, you have got to hand it to her for an ingenious way to pay her bills. Although there is much humour in the film, there is also some drama, and again this proves that Comedy actors can make an excellent job of drama, with both Melissa McCarthy and Richard E. Grant on top form, what a great double act they make, such a delight to watch.

 And the main question from the the word "starfucker" one or two words???  8 out of 10

Monday 21 January 2019

"Mary Queen of Scots"

At one point it was looking like this film was a favourite for serious Oscar contention. It may still bag an Oscar nod for Lead Actress for Saoirse Ronan, and possibly the odd craft nomination but that will be about it.

Despite having seen two previous films about the Virgin Queen, brilliantly played by Cate Blanchett, this film unsurprisingly concentrates more on the Queen of Scotland, and there is a lot to learn, also I was surprised how little Margot Robbie appears in the film. We got the usual brief overview to cover Mary's early years. And we first see her as she arrives in Scotland.
With the Protestants and Catholics  at war with each other, it is essentially a race between the two Queens to see who can provide an Heir first, and thus hopefully become Monarch of both Countries.
Mary having to also deal with plotting from within her own Subjects, as well as her scheming Husband, Lord Darnley.

I have to say that one of the best scenes in the film is where the two Queens meet, having a meeting in private to try and reach an amicable agreement, and yet in history, it never actually took place, as Mary and Elizabeth never met. It does piss me off when writers need to fabricate scenes for dramatic purposes especially in a history biopic.

The whole cast do an excellent job, and there are many familiar faces from Timelords to staff Members of Downton Abbey. Margot Robbie is good as Elizabeth but this really is Saoirse Ronan's film. She really is outstanding as Mary. If she does get an nomination, it will be her fourth, of which three will have been for Lead Actress. It will only be a matter of time before she does have an Academy Award.

The Direction is fairly solid, and comes courtesy of Josie Rourke, and if it is a name you are not familiar with, then this is her feature debut, and most impressive it is too.
As I say, it is a good film, just not one that I would watch over and over. It is questionable if I would buy it, but what I saw I enjoyed.....7 out of 10

Friday 18 January 2019

"Glass" (Preview Screening)

Who would have thought that almost 20 years after the release of the smash hit "Unbreakable" that we would now be watching this third film in the planned trilogy?
I have to say that I never knew that this was planned as a trilogy. The first inkling I got was possibly like many others when seeing the very closing shots of "Split" and the surprise appearance of 'David Dunn', the Bruce Willis character from "Unbreakable".

The two worlds of "Unbreakable" and "Split" collide as we see characters from both films all gear up for the battle of Good Vs Evil, David trying to track down 'The Beast', one of the many split personalities of Kevin Wendall Crumb.
Entering into the fray is 'Doctor Ellie Staple', who believes that she can explain away the so called super powers of Kevin, David and Elijah Price.

Are these three characters deluded and that there is nothing actually at all special about them?
Do they actually possess great powers?

I am not sure whether I missed any reference to when the film is set in relation to "Split" but I read one review which said it was four weeks later, so let's go with that.
David has his own Home Security firm, and is working with his Son, Joseph, and in a nice touch the role is reprised by Spencer Treat Clark, who I always thought gave an astonishing performance in "Unbreakable". They are trying to track down 'The Beast' as four local girls are missing. Using his powers, David does indeed find Kevin, but before a showdown ensues they are both apprehended by the authorities, and put in an institution, under the charge of 'Doctor Staple', along with 'Elijah Price'.
The remainder of the film is pretty in the grounds of the Hospital as the good Doctor tries to explain away their powers. And yes it can get a bit bogged down at times, but one always gets a sense that there will be a big pay-off, that unfortunately never comes.
It is hard to go into too much detail without giving away key plot details.Samuel L. Jackson has recently said that due to world events that the original ending was changed. Would that have improved the finale?  Guess we'll never know.

One thing is certain is that once again James McAvoy gives an astonishing performance. It's not just about finding the right voice and characteristics for each of this personalities, but he changes his body language too in the flick of a switch. It's really impressive to watch. Sadly Willis and Jackson are given very little to do, both performances pale to what we saw in "Unbreakable".

It's a good film, and worth watching for McAvoy alone, and nice to see Willis and Treat Clark together again, but does it have a twist ending?????
I won't shatter your expectations, you need to go see the film......6 out of 10

Wednesday 16 January 2019

"Vice" (Preview Screening)

The creative force behind this latest biopic, Adam McKay and I do not have the best track record.  He produced "Daddy's Home" and its sequel. He was executive Producer on "Grimsby" and "The Dictator". He Directed & Co-wrote "The Big Short". And most unforgivable of all is that he Produced "Holmes & Watson".

But all that being said, I am prepared to overlook all that has gone before, for McKay has created a TRUE masterpiece with "Vice", a compelling look at the life of Vice President Dick Cheney.

Dick Cheney is a loser, at least he is when first we see him in the film, during an arrest in Wyoming in 1963. His Wife basically tells him to shape up or ship out. History tells us the answer to that one.
No matter what your politics or thoughts on the man, this is a totally 100% compelling film which gives us a real insight into the second, and some would argue, the most powerful man on Earth. From his early beginnings as a family man, to his various roles at The White House, to becoming Vice President under President Bush. From Health scares to Weapons of Mass Destruction, from dealing with a Lesbian daughter to the Oil business, it's all here.

The style of the film is similar to that used in "The Big Short", but where that film got bogged down in financial jargon, this is an almost addictive look at the man's life. You keep wanting to know more and more.
There are some amazing performances. Amy Adams excels as Lynne Cheney, as does Steve Carrell as Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld. Also worthy of note is Sam Rockwell as President Bush.

Over the years, I have seen many films, and so therefore have seen many performances. And some of those have been truly exceptional. I think it is fair to say that the performance by Christian Bale is one of the best that I have ever seen. And that is quite some statement. Naturally the performance is helped by the great make-up work, under the legendary Greg Cannom, but make-up only goes so far. It still has to rely on an acting talent to deliver a great performance.
I still think that an actor from a biopic will take home the Leading Actor Oscar, but now it could be more to do with President than Queen.
And of course I have to commend Director and Writer Adam McKay for such a punchy screenplay that keeps one constantly looking at the screen. 135 minutes just flies by.

If I had been given the opportunity by the Cinema to sit and watch the film again, right there, I would not have hesitated, It IS that good.
It's dramatic, funny, brilliantly told, and at the forefront is one of the finest performances you will ever see.......10 out of 10

Saturday 12 January 2019

2018 - "This Year In Film"

Well, another Cinematic year has come to a close...and what of it?  Well for me it has been another bumper year of Cinema viewing, with my screenings up on 2017.
The quantity may be up, but is the quality?
I think for me it has been a mixed bag. When the film is good, it's really good, but then when it is bad, Bernard Matthews comes calling !!!

We shall start with a selection of the Turkeys....

 Still not completely sure what either of these two films were about, and I won't be watching again to help me find out !!

 Two examples of British its very worst. Despite some great British stars attached to both films, they completely failed to raise a titter
 I have yet to walk out of a film, but I came remarkably close with both of these two films. There has been much in the press about the complete failure of "Holmes & Watson" but I was surprised as to how bored I was with "The Seagull", and that despite starring one of my favourite actresses, Annette Bening.

 And Woody Allen clearly losing his way, which this dire film, which explains, amongst other things, why Amazon was keen to severe its ties with him.

Here is a selection of films that really were on top form....

From an ice-skating drama to a knock-out sequel

From a Teen love story to the third remake at a classic story of fame and love

Or a film which looks at our love the four legged canine, from the mind of Wes Anderson

There are a few films which on any normal year would have been crowned Best Picture, they were oh so close....

 I was blown away by the armchair grabbing brilliance of "A Quiet Place", and also one of the best thrillers I have seen in some time, namely "Searching"
And then there was the film that SHOULD have taken home the Oscar for Best Picture, and this is of course "Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri"

 There were also a few movies which seemed to come out of nowhere and really took me by surprise

 These three films just really made my day when watching them. To be honest, I had no intention of watching two of them, it was only by pure fluke that I got to see them, and I am so glad that I did. All three will soon be added to my DVD / Blu Ray collection, and are definitely for watching.

And likewise, there are a number of films that seemed to promise to be on the Top Ten List of 2018 and yet fell well short

After a huge success with "Deadpool", the sequel fell well short of repeating that success.
"Aquaman" I put into the same category as "Black Panther" in that I don't see what all the fuss is about or why either have done so well at the Box Office

 Not every horror film can do as well as either "A Quiet Place" or "Overlord". Two films which promised much, but delivered very little were "Hereditary" and much talked about sequel "Halloween"
And I think that "Solo: A Star Wars Story" proved you can have too much Star Wars in your life, when this film well and truly flopped earlier in 2018

Two films, both sequels, both to highly successful originals, and both featuring small roles from multi Oscar winner Meryl Streep.
I think it is fair to say that in both cases, they should have left well alone

And there were two horror films in 2018, which were both worthy of the title horror, as they are truly awful, and they are....

Over four hours of my life were wasted watching these two entries for worst films of the Year.

But before we get to the Big Award and that of Best Picture, let us look at some of those who have given the best performances throughout 2018....


There have been numerous actors and actresses who have supported their leading cast members this year, and here are some examples of the very best.....

Allison Janney was rather scary as the mother of Tonya Harding in "I, Tonya", and Timothee Charlamet shows what a phenomenal young actor he is with brilliant work in "Beautiful Boy".

Fionn Whitehead tugged at the heart strings with his role "The Children Act", and for me Woody Harrelson should have gotten the Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his great work on "Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri"


In a great year for biopics, and a year when both John C. Reilly and Steve Coogan could have been added for their amazing work in  "Stan & Ollie", I have decided that I could not choose between Rami Malek for his brilliant performance as Freddie Mercury in "Bohemian Rhapsody" and to the amazing Gary Oldman as Winston Churchill in "Darkest Hour".


On any normal year, any of these three outstanding performances would have bagged the award for Best Actress.

But the Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role goes to.....

Emma Thompson for her powerful and gripping performance in "The Children Act"


An actor who has been directed by some great talent over the last few years, and has clearly been taking notes, especially when watching his Directorial debut of "A Star Is Born", and the Winner is...

Bradley Cooper


Last year there were four films that I could not seperate, so I had a four way tie. Thankfully that has not happened again this year. 
For me there were two films that really stood out for both moving me, and entertaining me, as well as telling a great story. I also got to see both twice at the Cinema, and had time permitted, I am sure a third viewing for each I would have done. 
The two films that I am awarding the honour of Best Films of 2018 are.....