Thursday 28 March 2019

"Shazam!" - (Preview Screening)

It is a well known fact that films based on DC Comics are pretty downbeat. You only have to look at any of the Batman / Superman films. It is also fair to say that "Wonder Woman" was a step in the right direction.

Well finally along comes a film that is upbeat, funny, and VERY entertaining. I supposed the nearest Marvel comparison would be "Guardians of the Galaxy", that kind of light easy going film.

Thad is in the car with his Father and older Brother, often teased, he seeks solace in bigger things via his Magic8Ball. When strange symbols appear on the ball, before he knows it he is transported to another world, a world where a Sourceror's time is coming to end. And he seeks one that is pure of heart to take over his exalted position. In the past things have not gone well for the choice of Chosen One, when the Council of Eternity were all but wiped out. Shazam being the only survivor.
Keen to make the right choice, he tests his candidate, but Thad fails, and spends the next 45 years trying to find a way back to that World, to take the power he knows he is deserving of.

Billy Batson is desperately tring to find his Mum, since being seperated from her at a local Fair when he was four years old. Ten years later, and he is a troublesome teen, going from one Foster home to another, trying to get information to reunite him with his missing Parent. He too gets selected to take the test, and he succeeds, taking on the mantle of Shazam, and all his amazing powers.
And this is where the magic really begins, seeing how a 14 year old in the body of a man in his 30's and equipped with many superpowers reacts. Its a testament to the great performances of both Asher Angel as 14 year old Billy and Zachary Levi as Shazam. It would be hard for Billy to hide his alter ego, so some of his Foster siblings do find out, with hilarious results.

There are great scenes where Freddy, his Foster brother helps Billy to understand what his Superpowers are, helping them become an internet sensation, and trying to earn some extra pocket money on the side.
Eventually comes the big showdown with Thad, who has become the villain of the piece, and having the power of the Seven Deadly Sins, a collective of powerful demons. He wants to complete his Power by having that of Shazam.

The events of the past are told slickly but enough to give us an idea of what is to come, and what makes the characters take the actions they do. There is a lot of fun to be had in this highly entertaining film. The action is well choreographed, the visual effects are excellent, and all the cast excel in their roles. There is NO weak link. The relationship between Billy and Freddy is brilliantly played out, these two young actors are outstanding, and a special mention to Faithe Herman, who plays Darla, youngest child at the Vasquez residence, where Billy resides. She is both adorable and very funny. And it goes without saying that Mark Strong does villainy very well.

So as one would expect there is a lot of heart within the film, and also a wonderful display of innocence, especially with Billy being only 14. Its not like Deadpool, where there is much swearing or adult humour. I think that Zachary Levi desribed it perfectly when he said 'It's like "Big" with superpowers'. Very apt.

A second viewing is a given........SHAZAM!!!....9 out of 10

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