Saturday 9 February 2019

"Boy Erased"

Religion and sexuality clash in this powerful new drama.

The film  opens as Jared arrives at Conversion Therapy. This is an organisation which looks to expel the gay tendancies that young people have, by a variety of methods, and to also illustrate that to be gay is a choice, not that they are born that way. As someone chooses to play or not play football, they can choose to be gay or straight.

As Jared spends more time in therapy we journey back with him, to some of the events from his past. And it is one of these events that sees Jared in therapy, though through no fault of his own, more to do with someone trying to save their own skin.

Russell Crowe plays Marshall Eamons, a Baptist Preacher, with a lovingly religious Wife, Nicole Kidman, and their young Son Jared, played by Lucas Hedges.
From these journies to the past, we can see why Jared was keen to keep his sexuality a secret from his parents, and when all comes out, it is decided that it would be best for him to attend Gay Conversion Therapy.
Running the centre is Victor Sykes, who firmly believes that he can convert the young. Nothing can be discussed outside the centre as to what goes on inside. One of the first things that Sykes tells Jared is that many of his family members will have traits that have influenced his gay choice.
As time goes on, Jared starts to question the benefit of being in therapy. His Father is clearly determined to have his Son cleansed of this unholy choice he has made. But Mother Nancy is faced with a dilemma of apeasing her husband, and caring for her Son. It all comes to a head in a particularly powerrful and distressing scene.

It is hard to believe that in the 21st Century that these kind of places still exist, but sadly they do. There were times when I was watching the film that I got really angry. The above mentioned distressing scene really made my blood boil. I felt like I wanted to reach into the screen and help out Jared. I felt so useless.

Yes there is a happy ending, and its not really a spoiler, as the screenplay is based on the real life events of Garrard Conley. It makes for compelling and at times uncomfortable viewing.
All the cast are excellent, but especially Lucas Hedges. Like Timothee Chalamet, he has become one of the bright new stars, turning out one great performance after another, and this really is exemplary.

One thing is for sure, the film will not be easily erased from your memory......9 out of 10

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