Monday 5 September 2011

"Fright Night"

Alot of people have gone on about this remake, and how it is such a bad idea, and what a travesty it is. To be honest I have not seen the original in a very long time, but from what memories I do have, I do not recall being all that impressed, so for me, this is the kind of film that is ripe for being remade.

I think ultimately the storyline is not that engaging. It is alright, and does the job, but having a vampire as a neighbour.....yawn!  Anton Yelchin does a decent job as 'Charley', and I like the exploration of his friendship with 'Ed' brilliantly played by Christopher Mintz-Plasse, and how they had been close friends, but when 'Charley' becomes more cool, he distances himself from 'Ed'.

Farrell is ok in the Vampire role of 'Jerry', but there are no demands made of him, nothing that makes the role stand out, a cheaper actor could have done just as good a job if not better. He was far better cast in the recent comedy "Horrible Bosses".

I seem to recall having a soft spot for Roddy McDowell as 'Peter Vincent' in the original movie, and have to say that things do start to pick up when David Tennant arrives on screen, playing the same role, and I am not just saying that with being a huge WHO fan, as I am not the only one to think it. He brings more charisma and humour to the screen, and plays the part wonderfully. At times foul mouthed, and such a departure from some of his previous roles. Highlight was the scene where was he was explaining about the problems of wearing leather trousers!!

Effects not bad, but not the greatest, have seen far better, and overall they are a bit of a letdown.

To sum up, its ok but just. Tennant and and the younger cast members save it from being a total disaster.  5 out of 10

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