Friday 16 September 2011


A young girl sees her parents murdered by her the henchman of her father's former business associate. She flees the scene and with some help from the US Government, manages to get to the US. There she flees the Agents looking after her, and is able to find her remaining family living in the States.
She is determined to avenge her parents death, and asks her Uncle to train her to become a killer.

Jump forward several years, and the young girl has grown into the beautiful Zoe Saldana. Now she does the occasional hit on behalf of her Uncle, whilst also working towards killing the men responsible for the deaths of her parents.
The film comes from the team behind "Taken", which I find to be a first rate thriller. Sadly this latest effort falls flat on its own arse. The storyline is a composite of sections from so many other movies, and ultimately is an exercise in explosions, guns and Ms. Saldana looking glamorous.

Seeing what could be done with "Taken", this should have been so much better.

3 out of 10

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