Tuesday 30 August 2011

"Final Destination 5"

I know it's the same old thing, group of young people cheat death, and death gets pretty miffed about it, so comes calling to reclaim his prey.

Ultimately the film is about finding new and inventive ways to kill off the death cheaters. And yes there are some innovative methods used. It's actually not a bad film, and although I will not reveal what happens at the end, it is nice that the series has come full circle, and you don't have to be Hercule Poirot to predict what happens at the end, I mean even I saw it coming!!!

As ever there are no real demands made of the cast, they are typically there to look pretty, in most cases, and die effectively. Nice to see Tony Todd do spooky as only he can.

For a fifth film in the series it shows no sign of dying, and it works quite nicely. The bridge collapse at the start is well executed (forgive the pun), though as usual the 3D element adds little to the overall effect.

Worth the price of admission......6 out of 10

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