Sunday 25 September 2011

"Jurassic Park"

There has been a real lack of re-releases at my local cinema so far this year, a trend it seems to be continuing from 2010.
But thankfully we see a welcome return this week of the monster classic "Jurassic Park" from Director Steven Spielberg.

You all know the story I'm story, but just in case.....Through the cloning process dinosaurs are recreated and allowed to walk the Earth once again, only within the confines of a Park, which the public will be allowed to visit. During initial preparations, a worker is killed by a dinosaur, and the family are taking legal action against billionaire John Hammond, the man and money behind the enterprise. To appease the courts he enlists the help of Dino experts Alan Grant and Ellie Sattler, and also Theorist Ian Malcolm. They are given a tour of the facilities, along with a lawyer and Hammond's Grandchildren.
Unbeknownst to them all, a disgruntled employee is hoping to sneak off the island with 15 dinosaur embryos to sell on to a rival company. He throws the Park into disarray to effect his escape, and this is where all hell breaks loose, and so do the dinosaurs.

Hard to believe that it has been almost 20 years since the original release. And it still is one thrill of  ride. The visual and special effects are still awesome, for the most part, it does however have to be said that a few effects now look a little dated, though technology has moved on in leaps and bounds in those 20 years. Without doubt the T-Rex sequences are still stunning, and remain a firm favourite. The whole cast are delightful in their roles and the score from John Williams is always a winner.

A great film for Cinema viewers young and old.....8 out of 10

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