Wednesday 21 September 2011

"30: Minutes Or Less"

Two rednecks need $100,000 fast so they can pay a hitman to bump off a parent, and therefore pocket millions in the process. So as not be implicated in the crime, they decide to strap a bomb to a Pizza delivery guy, and force him to rob a bank on their behalf.

Sounds hilarious, and given that it is from the creative team behind the smash comedy "Zombieland" and also stars Jesse Eisenberg, you would think that they would be onto a winning formula. How wrong can you be?
Putting it plain and simply, the film just isn't funny. The only time it gets even close to being funny is when the Bank robbery is undertaken. But it lasts only a couple of minutes. There was alot that could have been funnier, but it was not meant to be. The only cast member to come out of the film with any dignity is Aziz Ansari.

Given what had gone before, this should have been alot funnier....2 out of 10

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