Wednesday 21 September 2011

"One Day"

The same day over a 20 year period is shown in the lives of two friends, who have known each other since University. We see the ups and downs as each successive year we wonder whether they will or won't get together in a proper relationship. They have dabbled with one another, but a relationship has not been forthcoming. Over the years their lives do become more seperate as 'Dexter' becomes involved with television as the presenter of a late night youth programme, and 'Emma' is a struggling writer who tries to stay afloat with work, whilst desperately trying to become a published author.
Emma's strong feelings for Dexter are not always reciprocated, as he seems to jump from one bed to another. Neither seem to be all that successful with the partners that they do find, and the same is said of their careers. The ultimate question is will they get settled down together?

I have been looking forward to this film for some time, and was glad to finally be watching it. Unfortunately it failed to live up to my expectations. The idea of taking one day from each year may work well within the best selling book that the film is based, but for me it did not work that well as a film. You just start to get settled into the current chapter of their lives, when it jumps forward another year, and in some instances it jumps literally within seconds.
Although the character of Dexter is not always a likeable one, of the two leads Jim Sturgess is given the best opportunity to shine.
Although I have not read the book, the build-up towards the end was all rather predictable. One could see the inevitable 'happening' a mile off.

A nice idea on paper, which is probably where it should have stayed.....5 out of 10

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