Saturday 10 September 2011

"Apollo 18"

Films of this type tend to fall into one of two camps, "The Blair Witch" camp i.e absolutely terrible or the "Paranormal Activity" camp, i.e really well done.

And how does this latest effort fare? Alas it falls into the former. I was really looking forward to this film, as I had first seen the trailer some time ago, and it really had me interested. Unfortunately it failed to deliver.
The documentary style does work well with the subject matter, and the initial build up is nicely done, but for a horror, there is a real lack of tension. There is the odd make you jump moment, but it lacks that punch.
There are also alot of unanswered questions about the film, and quite frankly I am now far too bored with this cinematic experience to want to delve into them now....or ever

Had potential, but failed on delivery.......4 out of 10 (REVISED SCORE 3 OUT OF 10)

PS - Roll on "Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy"

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