Sunday 10 June 2012

"Salmon Fishing In The Yemen"

Another best selling novel hits the big screen, with this tale of a rich Arab, who has discovered his love of Salmon fishing whilst on holiday in the UK. He feels that with enough of his own finances, and the resources of the fishing experts of the UK, he can fulfil his dream of being able to Salmon fish in his own back yard...literally.

Here arrives Emily Blunt and Ewan McGregor playing Harriet and Alfred, the UK experts given the task of realising the dream of the Arab Prince, and then putting it into practice. Alfred is reluctant to have any involvement in the ludicrous scheme, but eventually he changes his mind, and gets fully involved, especially when he forms a stronger friendship with Harriet. They both are suffering with relationship issues, Alfred is constantly at odds with his wife, as they never seem to spend more than a few hours in each others company. And poor Harriet has just met the man of her dreams, when he has to go off to Afghanistan to fight for Queen and Country, and after being there only a few weeks is missing presumed dead.

The scheme is deemed proposterous at first, but then with a little persuasion from the Government, it is looked into, and could be possible. The UK ministers are keen to further relationships with the Arab Prince. The Government is mainly represented by Patricia Maxwell, a no nonsense Minister who scares the bejesus out of anyone who comes within a five mile radius of her.
The Prince does have his problems however, as some dissidents in his country object to him spending millions just to enjoy fishing when others in his country are poor. They take matters into their own hands.

The affection between Alfred and Harriet grows stronger, that is until, Harriet's boyfriend returns from Afghanistan alive and well, and the all conquering hero. Cue Patricia Maxwell and hordes of reporters. Will Alfred and Harriet live happily ever after? Will she go back to Blighty with her military man?

All in all it is a nice enjoyable film, it will not win any major awards, but given some of the dross that I have had to endure recently, it makes for a refreshing change. Despite nice performances from both McGregor and Blunt, it is Kristen Scott Thomas as no nonsense Maxwell who steals the show. Her performance in fantastic, and highly amusing.

A nice little distraction from the mundane business of life.......6 out of 10

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