Sunday 24 June 2012

"Men In Black 3"

The dynamic duo of Agents K and J are back, once again doing battle against a variety of alien beings.

All round nasty piece of work 'Boris The Animal' has escaped from a Prison located on the moon. Having made his way to Earth, he uses a device to time travel back to the Sixties, and change history, which involves his killing Agent K. The timeline is therefore altered, and Agent J is baffled as to why he cannot locate Agent K. Having discovered from new Department Head Agent O that K died 40 years ago, he realises that he must undertake the same journey as Boris but allow the original outcome to take place, so that K will be alive in the present day.
There are some other scenes involving their apprehending Aliens, and dealing with big blobby creatures which provide much humour in the film.
Also as ever there is an excellent level of both make-up and visual effects in the film. The 3D element is also quite decent.

Reprising their roles Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones are excellent as Agents J and.K. New additions to the team include Emma Thompson as Agent O, who does seem to include a love interest for Agent K. But by far the main new addition is Josh Brolin as the younger Agent K. He perfectly recreates the character of K, even down to a near perfect voice of Tommy Lee Jones.
There is a big finale which certainly delivers, and a nice little delve into the past history of both main characters which is beautifully done.

Having not been a fan of the original movie, and not having seen the second, I was pleasantly surprised as to how much I enjoyed this third film, and it shows there is plenty of life in the franchise yet........8 out of 10.

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