Sunday 24 June 2012

"The Avengers Assemble"

After a plethora of films are featuring a variety of Marvel comic characters, now we have the Daddy of them all....the World becomes threatened by a force so evil, that one Super Hero will be insufficient against the power of what is to come.
S.H.I.E.L.D. boss Nick Fury gets his mobile out and calls up all the greatest Super heroes to do battle against Loki (rather pissed off God from "Thor") and his Army. One or two of them are a little reluctant to participate, but with a little gentle persuasuion, they soon form their merry band.

The film is split into two halves, the first being the recruitment of the super-heroes and the attacks by Loki, and second being the fight back by the Marvel Army.
As one would expect from this film there are plenty of action scenes and many explosions, the story pretty much takes second fiddle to the visual effects and the action scenes. The story merely serves the purpose of having an excuse to bring the Marvel Characters together. So don't go expecting some Oscar Winning literary masterpiece with the writing.

With a running time of almost two and a half hours, the film does an admirable job of keeping you entertained. It has to be said that after such a great 3D conversion with "Titanic" that I felt that the 3D effect on this film was disappointing.
The film is a little light on good laughs, but there are two really great laugh out loud moments, and are almost worth the price of admission alone.
As said, the film is about seeing these great characters come together, after we have seen their individual stories. It is also about the visual effects which are some of the best on screen. For such a high level of effects, I am amazed that it cost only $220 million.

A good movie, not outstanding, but still highly enjoyable, some of the Marvel stand alone films fair better......7 out of 10

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