Sunday 24 June 2012

"The Dictator"

That subtle film maker Sacha Baron Cohen is back, this time with a parody about a Middle East Dictator. I cannot imagine where he gets his inspiration from.

General Aladeen is a ruthless leader, and he is under pressure to appear before the United Nations to reform his country, which will give his people a better way of life. Naturally there are those close to him are are not that keen for this to happen.
An assassination attempt leaves Aladeen spooked, so he finds someone who bears a passing resemblence to him, and they become his body double.
Once in the States he finds himself without his trademark beard, and his double is working for his military Chief, who wants Wadiya to remain a dictatorship. So Aladeen is alone in a foreign country with no money, and no-one to believe he is the real leader of Wadiya.

Despite what I have said, I am probably not painting it as the funny film that it is. There are many laughs in the movie, also as one would expect, there is a lot of crudity, yes some of it is funny. As another reviewer put it, in this world where the Politically Correct bunch have run riot, it is refreshing to find a writer / performer like Baron Cohen who is not afraid to push boundaries...just look at the stunt he pulled at the Academy Awards earlier this year.

Anyone who has watched his previous films, they may find this one a little safe, as it does stay a tad more main stream, especially at the end. But it is still worthwhile viewing, especially with the moving memorial dedication at the beginning to the film to a passed world leader.

An improvement on past Cohen and enjoy......7 out of 10

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