Sunday 10 June 2012

"Mirror, Mirror"

Whether it be Asteroid movies, or volcano movies or even movies about 'Snow White', they are like buses, you don't get one for ages, and then two come along at the same time.
But first to the posts is "Mirror, Mirror" as this children's classic is retold for the Cinema Screen.

It is the traditional story for the most part, with the odd tweak and alteration here and there. Yes there are 'giant' dwarves in the film, a talking mirror, Prince Charming, all the key ingredients that made the book such a classic, alas the same cannot be said for the film.

Wicked Julia Roberts' Evil Queen is doing her best to make life sheer hell for Snow White. Both encounter Prince Charming, and have the hope of making him their own. One of them will be unlucky.The local town folk are starving, and in the woods near the castle live not only the thieving dwarves but also a monsterous beast.
The main difference with this film version is that Snow White does not spend a good portion of the latter part of the film asleep, waiting for a kiss from Prince Charming, she is more of a kick ass type of girl, and it is she giving the kiss to Prince Charming to break him from a spell.

Does everyone live happily after?  Well sadly not for this viewer. as the film was bland, dull, boring, and poorly made. The saving grace was a beautiful Julia Roberts clearly having a blast as the Evil Queen. Lily Collins was just about tolerable as Snow White, Nathan Lane was woefully underused, and given some below par material to work with. And the less said about Armie Hammer the better, as he has to rank as the most useless, one dimensional uncharming Prince Charming in movie history.
The colourful costumes were beautiful to look at, and a testament to the great work of the late Oscar winner Eiko Ishioka.

Mirror mirror on the wall, will I enjoy this film at all? afraid not........4 out of 10

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