Sunday 24 June 2012

"Fast Girls"

The timing of this movie is obviously very deliberate, what with the forthcoming London 2012 Olympics just a few weeks away.

Shania is clearly a talented runner, but does she have what it takes to go all the way to the International Championships?  Coach Tommy thinks she does and includes her in his team for both individual and team races. The majority of the team Shania gets on with, as they are from a similar background,  but there is Lisa, a young woman who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, and is the apple of her Daddy's eye, a former medallist. Her father also has much sway over the team governing the Championships, basically what he wants, he gets, or rather his Daughter does. So when Lisa sees Shania as competition, she does her best to make life very difficult for her.

Will Shania have the aptitude to deal with the races and not allow Lisa to get in her way? Will it all become too much for her?
There are also some nice little side stories, including the mature athlete who has one final chance to get a Gold medal, there is also Carl, the team Physio, a former runner who lost his chance to win a medal and now looks after the team.

The story is nicely played, and builds to a finale at the International Championships. Writer Noel Clarke wanted to set the story at the 2012 Olympics, but the Olympic Governing Body would not allow him to use the Olypmics as a venue and also would not allow him to set the film during 2012. Understandably he was rather annoyed about this. But he does a nice enough job sharing the writing duties, and also with his performance as Coach Tommy. The film further illustrates why he is such a rising star within the British Film Industry, such a talented man he is.

All the cast acquit themselves admirably in their roles, Lenora Crichlow does well in her first major lead film role as Shania. Lily James is equally good as Daddy's girl Lisa. Phil Davis plays Brian who was Shania's original coach, and gives a great performance, beautifully done. Even 'Merlin' star Bradley James pops up as physio coach Carl, though not given a great deal to do, and it has to be said looking very tired.

A nicely timed film, that won't necessarily win gold, but has the potential to go all the way.....7 out of 10

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