Sunday 24 June 2012

"Fast Girls"

The timing of this movie is obviously very deliberate, what with the forthcoming London 2012 Olympics just a few weeks away.

Shania is clearly a talented runner, but does she have what it takes to go all the way to the International Championships?  Coach Tommy thinks she does and includes her in his team for both individual and team races. The majority of the team Shania gets on with, as they are from a similar background,  but there is Lisa, a young woman who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, and is the apple of her Daddy's eye, a former medallist. Her father also has much sway over the team governing the Championships, basically what he wants, he gets, or rather his Daughter does. So when Lisa sees Shania as competition, she does her best to make life very difficult for her.

Will Shania have the aptitude to deal with the races and not allow Lisa to get in her way? Will it all become too much for her?
There are also some nice little side stories, including the mature athlete who has one final chance to get a Gold medal, there is also Carl, the team Physio, a former runner who lost his chance to win a medal and now looks after the team.

The story is nicely played, and builds to a finale at the International Championships. Writer Noel Clarke wanted to set the story at the 2012 Olympics, but the Olympic Governing Body would not allow him to use the Olypmics as a venue and also would not allow him to set the film during 2012. Understandably he was rather annoyed about this. But he does a nice enough job sharing the writing duties, and also with his performance as Coach Tommy. The film further illustrates why he is such a rising star within the British Film Industry, such a talented man he is.

All the cast acquit themselves admirably in their roles, Lenora Crichlow does well in her first major lead film role as Shania. Lily James is equally good as Daddy's girl Lisa. Phil Davis plays Brian who was Shania's original coach, and gives a great performance, beautifully done. Even 'Merlin' star Bradley James pops up as physio coach Carl, though not given a great deal to do, and it has to be said looking very tired.

A nicely timed film, that won't necessarily win gold, but has the potential to go all the way.....7 out of 10

"Men In Black 3"

The dynamic duo of Agents K and J are back, once again doing battle against a variety of alien beings.

All round nasty piece of work 'Boris The Animal' has escaped from a Prison located on the moon. Having made his way to Earth, he uses a device to time travel back to the Sixties, and change history, which involves his killing Agent K. The timeline is therefore altered, and Agent J is baffled as to why he cannot locate Agent K. Having discovered from new Department Head Agent O that K died 40 years ago, he realises that he must undertake the same journey as Boris but allow the original outcome to take place, so that K will be alive in the present day.
There are some other scenes involving their apprehending Aliens, and dealing with big blobby creatures which provide much humour in the film.
Also as ever there is an excellent level of both make-up and visual effects in the film. The 3D element is also quite decent.

Reprising their roles Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones are excellent as Agents J and.K. New additions to the team include Emma Thompson as Agent O, who does seem to include a love interest for Agent K. But by far the main new addition is Josh Brolin as the younger Agent K. He perfectly recreates the character of K, even down to a near perfect voice of Tommy Lee Jones.
There is a big finale which certainly delivers, and a nice little delve into the past history of both main characters which is beautifully done.

Having not been a fan of the original movie, and not having seen the second, I was pleasantly surprised as to how much I enjoyed this third film, and it shows there is plenty of life in the franchise yet........8 out of 10.

"Dark Shadows"

The US Television series from the 1960's gets a make-over, with the regular teaming of Director Tim Burton and lead actor Johnny Depp.

Collinsport is the ancestral home of Barnabas Collins and his family. Local girl Josette is in love with Barnabas, but also is his maid Angelique, and knowing that she cannot compete for his affections, she makes sure that no-one else can. For Angelique is a witch, and uses her powers so that Josette will take her own life. With his loved one gone, Barnabas knows he cannot go on without her, so aims to take his own life too, but before he can complete the act, Angelique strikes again, and damns him for all eternity by making him a Vampire.
Once the local town folk found out, and with a little help from Angelique, he realises that he is out of luck, and they bury him in a coffin, where he will spend the rest of his undead life.
Jump forward to the 1970's and a new development sees the coffin being dug up, and Barnabas has to adjust to life two hundred years ahead of when he was buried.

Playing the part of Barnabas Collins is Johnny Depp, and it is the kind of role that he slips into rather effortlessly, for him it is like wearing a pair of old slippers. He does provide the film with the majority of its humour.
Eva Green is good as Angelique, she makes a most admirable femme fatale.
As for the rest of the cast, they have varying degrees of success in their roles, the one who fairs tyhe best is Helena Bonham-Carter as Dr. Hoffman, a local shrink trying to coax the Son of the house, David, into a 'normal' life.

The main problem with the film is that it cannot decide whether it wants to be a gothic thriller or a comedy, and does not really succeed in either area. It is enjoyable enough, but several of the laughs are given away in the trailer.

Could have been better, but Depp saves the day.....6 out of 10.

"Ill Manors"

A Council estate in London, where naturally live is tough...very tough. There are drug dealers around every corner, young girls sell themselves just to survive, and young men armed with guns trying to be the next main man in the area.

Aaron lives his life day by day, trying to survive on the streets. His best friend Ed has just been released following being arrested for drug offences.
Also we have Kirby, an older drug dealer who takes great joy in belittling new boy Marcel for dealing on his patch. Marcel aims to get his own on back on Kirby, with a series of events that soon spiral out of control.
There is also the couple who run the local Pub, who are desperate for a baby, and through circumstances come into contact with the abandoned baby of a young prostitute mother who is on the run from Russian gangsters.

There are several story strands all presented at the start of the film, and we follow their progress, but the genius is watching as they slowly start to link with each other, in a writing style similar to that of Robert Altman or Quentin Tarantino. It makes for compelling viewing. There are some scenes which are quite uncomfortable to watch, for example young lad Jake is keen to make an impression, and is given the order to beat up his best friend, just to be accepted by a local gang. The boy is clearly torn between the loyalty of his best friend, and the need for wanting to belong.

I am not a fan of rap music but have to say that the film has a top notch soundtrack, mostly writtend and performed by Plan B.
Plan B is also known as Ben Drew, and he has both writing and directing duties on this film. In both cases it is his debut and what a phenomenal job he has done. Assembling a great cast to bring his awesome story to life. The photography is first class, as already mentioned he has a great soundtrack, and a film that will stay in the memory for some time to come.
All the cast are great in their roles, but one stand out has to be Riz Ahmed as 'Aaron', probably the one character in the film that has a chance of a decent life. The one sympathetic character, who whenever possible tries to do the right thing.

As a debut, films do not get much better than this. Ben Drew clearly has a talent, and hope that he continues to produce more top quality films like "Ill Manors". I have seen far more experienced Directors produce utter garbage compared to this masterpiece in film making.

Not pleasant viewing, but totally compelling, and an example of great talent......9 out of 10

"The Plague of the Zombies"

The clasic Hammer Horror film gets a wonderful revamp with this remastered version of the 1966 original.

A small Cornish village has seen the number of its town folk die, with a mysterious affliction that has befallen them.  London Doctor Sir James Forbes and his daughter go to the Village to visit some family friends. There he assists with local Doctor Tompson to try and discover what is the cause of the sickness.

Unbeknownst to them, a cult is running riot in the village, helmed by businessman and Squire Clive Hamilton. He is using voodoo magic to bring deceased villagers back to life, where they are used as slaves to operate a mine.

There are all the usual key ingredients that made Hammer Horror films so great, and essential viewing for the best part of 20 years. It was great to be given the opportunity to see it on the big screen, and being a fan of "Doctor Who", there are a number of familiar faces in the film. Given the level of make-up and affects nowadays, this may seem rather tame, but there is still plenty to enjoy, most notably that great scene when the zombies start to rise from their graves.

A nice effort from Hammer.......6 out of 10


The film that gave rise to the term summer blockbuster is once again back on the big screen, to bring terror back to our Cinemas once more.
I have always wanted to see this classic on the big screen, and was very delighted to get the opportunity.

I doubt there are many who are unfamiliar with the story of "Jaws", but just in case......
We are in Amity, a small town which enjoys the sun-worshippers and bathers who enjoy the idyllic waters of Amity, and its friendly inhabitants. But the population has increased by one, and it comes in the form of a Great White Shark. Once body parts start to appear on the beach front, local Police Chief Martin Brody has to do battle not only with the Shark but also the local officials of the town, who aim to stop him from closing the beaches, afraid that it will affect the revenue it generates for the local businesses.
A bounty is issued for anyone who can catch and kill the Great White so the hunt is in.......

Despite being almost 40 years old, the film has lost none of its brilliance. From those opening scenes where the first swimmer becomes victim to the Shark, where set off on a journey, one that still shows the genius of Spielberg as a Director. Some stunning photography, great editing, and that world famous score by John Williams, that all contribute to a film that still entertains and enthralls.

Spielberg assembled a superb cast for the movie, we have Roy Scheider as Police Chief Brody, a man who is weary of the water, there is also Richard Dreyfuss as Matt Hooper, an expert from Oceanographic Society, who skills will be used to track down the shark. Then there is Robert Shaw. Of the three main leads, it is Shaw who steals the show as Quint, a one man army, who will do battle with the Shark, very much like Ahab and Moby Dick. His performance is a real highlight of the film, those now legendary scenes where Quint recalls being on board the Indianapolis leave you glued to the screen.

For two solid hours the viewer is completely engrossed in this story of man against shark, a real classic that still wonderfully stands the test of time, and will continue to delight film viewers for many years to come.........9 out of 10

"The Raid"

A major gangster is holed up in a 30 storey building, a building filled with his tennants and also a number of his gun wielding associates. On their way to the building is a group of 20 Elite officers, determined to take down the main man.

The film has some of best action sequences ever put on film, and they come thick and fast. As the officers try to take floor by floor, they come up against a variety of gangsters armed with an array of weapons. They certainly have to be on their guard.
There is a semblence of a story, we see the younger officers, those who have families, will they ever make it home to their loved ones?  Are the officer who has a Brother in the upper ranks of the Gangsters hierachy. There is the older member of the elite force who may not be all that he seems.

It is a case of sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.......7 out of 10

"The Dictator"

That subtle film maker Sacha Baron Cohen is back, this time with a parody about a Middle East Dictator. I cannot imagine where he gets his inspiration from.

General Aladeen is a ruthless leader, and he is under pressure to appear before the United Nations to reform his country, which will give his people a better way of life. Naturally there are those close to him are are not that keen for this to happen.
An assassination attempt leaves Aladeen spooked, so he finds someone who bears a passing resemblence to him, and they become his body double.
Once in the States he finds himself without his trademark beard, and his double is working for his military Chief, who wants Wadiya to remain a dictatorship. So Aladeen is alone in a foreign country with no money, and no-one to believe he is the real leader of Wadiya.

Despite what I have said, I am probably not painting it as the funny film that it is. There are many laughs in the movie, also as one would expect, there is a lot of crudity, yes some of it is funny. As another reviewer put it, in this world where the Politically Correct bunch have run riot, it is refreshing to find a writer / performer like Baron Cohen who is not afraid to push boundaries...just look at the stunt he pulled at the Academy Awards earlier this year.

Anyone who has watched his previous films, they may find this one a little safe, as it does stay a tad more main stream, especially at the end. But it is still worthwhile viewing, especially with the moving memorial dedication at the beginning to the film to a passed world leader.

An improvement on past Cohen and enjoy......7 out of 10

"The Avengers Assemble"

After a plethora of films are featuring a variety of Marvel comic characters, now we have the Daddy of them all....the World becomes threatened by a force so evil, that one Super Hero will be insufficient against the power of what is to come.
S.H.I.E.L.D. boss Nick Fury gets his mobile out and calls up all the greatest Super heroes to do battle against Loki (rather pissed off God from "Thor") and his Army. One or two of them are a little reluctant to participate, but with a little gentle persuasuion, they soon form their merry band.

The film is split into two halves, the first being the recruitment of the super-heroes and the attacks by Loki, and second being the fight back by the Marvel Army.
As one would expect from this film there are plenty of action scenes and many explosions, the story pretty much takes second fiddle to the visual effects and the action scenes. The story merely serves the purpose of having an excuse to bring the Marvel Characters together. So don't go expecting some Oscar Winning literary masterpiece with the writing.

With a running time of almost two and a half hours, the film does an admirable job of keeping you entertained. It has to be said that after such a great 3D conversion with "Titanic" that I felt that the 3D effect on this film was disappointing.
The film is a little light on good laughs, but there are two really great laugh out loud moments, and are almost worth the price of admission alone.
As said, the film is about seeing these great characters come together, after we have seen their individual stories. It is also about the visual effects which are some of the best on screen. For such a high level of effects, I am amazed that it cost only $220 million.

A good movie, not outstanding, but still highly enjoyable, some of the Marvel stand alone films fair better......7 out of 10

"Piranha 3DD"

Those pesky nipping fish are back. Just when you thought it was safe to watch a decent film at the Cinema, then along comes "Piranha 3DD".

Since the abandonment of the town that was terrorised in the original movie, those man eating fish need to get their food supply elsewhere. And they happen upon a newly opened Water Park, is that the dinner gong I hear ringing?

This film lacks the great sexual innuendo, the laughs and at times gruesome make-up that made the first film so entertaining. Even an appearance from the finest of "Baywatch" cannot rescue this film from sinking.

It is merely ok, and lacks any real bite.....4 out of 10

"American Reunion"

The boys and girls are back for their School Reunion, and as ever the antics come at the screen thick and fast.

It is the first time that the original cast from the first movie have all gotten back together, and it makes for an enjoyable film. I was not a major fan of the two sequels, but seeing the likes of Jim, Oz, Finch and Sifler all back together was too tempting.

For a comedy it is not high on laughs, and it is not as crude as some of the previous movies, though that being said, what is nice is seeing them all come together for their Reunion, which this viewer can relate to, having organsied a small reunion himself.

 If you are looking for a movie to match the standards set by the first three films then you may come away disappointed....6 out of 10

Sunday 10 June 2012

"Salmon Fishing In The Yemen"

Another best selling novel hits the big screen, with this tale of a rich Arab, who has discovered his love of Salmon fishing whilst on holiday in the UK. He feels that with enough of his own finances, and the resources of the fishing experts of the UK, he can fulfil his dream of being able to Salmon fish in his own back yard...literally.

Here arrives Emily Blunt and Ewan McGregor playing Harriet and Alfred, the UK experts given the task of realising the dream of the Arab Prince, and then putting it into practice. Alfred is reluctant to have any involvement in the ludicrous scheme, but eventually he changes his mind, and gets fully involved, especially when he forms a stronger friendship with Harriet. They both are suffering with relationship issues, Alfred is constantly at odds with his wife, as they never seem to spend more than a few hours in each others company. And poor Harriet has just met the man of her dreams, when he has to go off to Afghanistan to fight for Queen and Country, and after being there only a few weeks is missing presumed dead.

The scheme is deemed proposterous at first, but then with a little persuasion from the Government, it is looked into, and could be possible. The UK ministers are keen to further relationships with the Arab Prince. The Government is mainly represented by Patricia Maxwell, a no nonsense Minister who scares the bejesus out of anyone who comes within a five mile radius of her.
The Prince does have his problems however, as some dissidents in his country object to him spending millions just to enjoy fishing when others in his country are poor. They take matters into their own hands.

The affection between Alfred and Harriet grows stronger, that is until, Harriet's boyfriend returns from Afghanistan alive and well, and the all conquering hero. Cue Patricia Maxwell and hordes of reporters. Will Alfred and Harriet live happily ever after? Will she go back to Blighty with her military man?

All in all it is a nice enjoyable film, it will not win any major awards, but given some of the dross that I have had to endure recently, it makes for a refreshing change. Despite nice performances from both McGregor and Blunt, it is Kristen Scott Thomas as no nonsense Maxwell who steals the show. Her performance in fantastic, and highly amusing.

A nice little distraction from the mundane business of life.......6 out of 10

"Silent House"

Something of a rarity is this latest film, a thriller shot in real time, alledgedly in one continuous take. A young woman goes to visit a family house, out in the sticks, before it is put on the market with her Father and Uncle.
After only being there a few minutes, strange things start to happen. She sees figures lurking, and all three members of the family are attacked. All does eventually become clear as to what the cause is...but quite frankly you will find that you do not give a flying f**k by the end of it.
The slogan of the film is "Real Fear....In Real Time". Well the real fear is how the hell this film was commissioned, as it will almost certainly be in my Top Ten of the worst films of the year.

Elizabeth Olsen gives an absolutely dire performance in the lead role. She does nothing for the argument of stronger roles for women, quite the opposite in fact.
The main selling of the film has been that it was shot in one take.....what utter crap. It is quite clear that the film was shot in segments and then edited to give the appearance of a one take film. Even a novice could spot where the edits are made...

A silent cinema more like, due to empty seats......3 out of 10

"Mirror, Mirror"

Whether it be Asteroid movies, or volcano movies or even movies about 'Snow White', they are like buses, you don't get one for ages, and then two come along at the same time.
But first to the posts is "Mirror, Mirror" as this children's classic is retold for the Cinema Screen.

It is the traditional story for the most part, with the odd tweak and alteration here and there. Yes there are 'giant' dwarves in the film, a talking mirror, Prince Charming, all the key ingredients that made the book such a classic, alas the same cannot be said for the film.

Wicked Julia Roberts' Evil Queen is doing her best to make life sheer hell for Snow White. Both encounter Prince Charming, and have the hope of making him their own. One of them will be unlucky.The local town folk are starving, and in the woods near the castle live not only the thieving dwarves but also a monsterous beast.
The main difference with this film version is that Snow White does not spend a good portion of the latter part of the film asleep, waiting for a kiss from Prince Charming, she is more of a kick ass type of girl, and it is she giving the kiss to Prince Charming to break him from a spell.

Does everyone live happily after?  Well sadly not for this viewer. as the film was bland, dull, boring, and poorly made. The saving grace was a beautiful Julia Roberts clearly having a blast as the Evil Queen. Lily Collins was just about tolerable as Snow White, Nathan Lane was woefully underused, and given some below par material to work with. And the less said about Armie Hammer the better, as he has to rank as the most useless, one dimensional uncharming Prince Charming in movie history.
The colourful costumes were beautiful to look at, and a testament to the great work of the late Oscar winner Eiko Ishioka.

Mirror mirror on the wall, will I enjoy this film at all? afraid not........4 out of 10