Tuesday 2 September 2014

"Guardians of the Galaxy"

Oh brother, another film based on material from the Marvel Catalogue.
But this one is a little different. Allow me to elaborate.

We see our hero, Peter Quill on Earth, and by his terminally ill mother's bedside. At such a young age, this kind of loss is a lot to deal with. Whilst outside, he has far bigger problems to deal with when he is picked up by a passing spaceship. As you do !!!

Jump forward several years, and Mr. Quill has acquired himself a trade, he is basically the Indiana Jones of space, obtaining the unobtainable and selling to the highest bidder, though I grant you Indy was never so financially orientated. He also has acquired a new name, though few have heard of it, 'Star Lord'. Not pretentious at all !!

It is during a quest for an Infinity Stone that his adventure really begins. He gets arrested, and is imprisoned with a group of other disperate space travellers. Together they aim to break out of their confinement, and to  get their hands back on the Stone, and stop it from falling into the wrong hands, and seeing worlds get destroyed because of its immense power.

There are three main reasons why this film really works.
1) There are no over blown super heroes here. Everyone is pretty much an average every day kind of Joe.
2) The characters have there own bickering arguements with each other, they would almost kill each other as much a help one another.
3) All the characters are brilliantly realised, and well played by their respective cast member.

Visually the film is stunning, a real treat for the eyes. There is great direction from James Gunn, who also does an excellent job in co-writing the screenplay.
From start to finish, just pure entertainment, with some great moments, a highlight has to be involving Groot, and a to camera smile.

All the cast are great, yes that does include Karen Gillan. But ultimately the film is a triumph for Chris Pratt, he combines the looks of a hero, also he has sarcasm and wit in abundance. Look forward to seeing more of 'Star Lord' and the rest of the gang with the recently announced sequel

A Marvel film to marvel at....................8 out of 10

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