Tuesday 2 September 2014

Into the Storm

I had made two previous attempts to see this film, and on both occasions I failed. Maybe a Cinematic force was trying to tell me something. Should I have listened?

You're damn right I should.
I have said it before, I am a huge fan of the disaster movies of the 1970's and love to see any movie which embraces that great era. So naturally this was right up my street.

We see a group of Storm chasers about to have their funding cut due to their inability to film a decent storm. They are at loggerheads with the scientist differing on where to head next against the instinct of the group leader. But they may be hope on the horizon or rather a storm is brewing and a pretty big one.
And in its path is a small town in the process of celebrating a Schools graduating students. Once the storm hits, things are going to get pretty rough.

But not as rough as for the poor viewer sat having to watch this frankly dire effort. Good job that the film was not in 3D as the characters are barely one dimensional. I know that disaster films are well known for not putting the greatest emphasis on their characters or their story, but it is though the screenwriter was not bothered. So therefore why should we......

It is worth sitting through for the stunning visual effects, and it goes to show how things have moved on since the likes of "Twister". There is the capability to make a truly great disaster film, as long as the writer can give a decent story and flesh out the characters.
One has to feel for Richard Armitage, an actor who really shone in "Spooks" but the less said about this new film the better.

Purely for the visuals..........5 out of 10

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