Monday 25 August 2014


Lucy is a girl who should keep better company. Her so called friend Richard uses her to deliver a briefcase of unknown contents to a scary looking Japanese gentleman. Then bodies start to appear, and Lucy finds herself being herded into a room, with some other unsavoury characters. Soon she finds she has been cut open, and a cosmetic drug, in a pouch, has been put inside her. This, along with four others, will be smuggled through Customs, and the drugs handed over to their Collector.
During her ideal she is beaten by a gang of men, and the bag ruptures and the contents leak inside her. The drug has the effect of enhancing the cerebral capacity that we use, and she finds herself being able to do the most amazing things, and soon the world and his wife is after her.

I am not going to waffle on about this pointless film. The premise whether scientifically possible or not was just ludicrous, almost laughable. There is very limit to commend about the movie, at times visually it is impressive but that is one positive against a plethora of negatives.
When one thinks of Director Luc Besson, one thinks of the those great movies he amde, films like "The Fifth Element", "Nikita", and "Leon", but he is reduced to doing trash like this.
The film may have two leading stars but neither come out of it with any commendations.

Such a waste of time, enough said........4 out of 10


  1. Luc Besson's The Fifth Element is one of my favorite films and on that basis I would have gone to see this film. Thanks to your review I don't have to sit through this.

  2. I too adore "The Fifth Element", a truly great piece of Cinema
