Saturday 27 September 2014

"The Riot Club"

I had debated about seeing this for some time, as having seen the trailer, and the main characters depicted, I had a feeling I knew how I would react to them, and boy was I right.

At Oxford there is a special for the Elite, started many years ago by a wealthy rich Lord, who regarded as the best at what he did. This Club carries on in his name, and it is quite the honour to be asked to join. The initiation is somewhat distasteful but can you expect?
The Club have regular meets, and dine together too, though the problem they have is that have been barred from most of the local establishments, and woth very good reason.
They manage to arrange a dinner at a country pub, under the banner of it being a Young Entrepeneurs meeting,the Pub owner delighted at welcoming this new business.

The meal, though not up to their usual fine dining goes well. They even manage to sneak in a 'Lady of the Night', to service each of them, much to the disgust and annoyance of the Landlord. But she does not fully realise the extent of the service she is providing and promptly scarpers. But then things start to go downhill. There is an altercation, and soon after consuming too much alcohol, they start to wreck the room they are in. In fact more like destroy the room. Upon discovering what they have done, the Owner is appalled. And these hooray henries just think they can buy him off. But he does at least have some intregrity, and goes to call the Police. Panic sets in and he is badly assaulted, and thus hospitalized. And this is where my anger started.
Yes I have seen films where you either feel no connection or have no sympathy for the characters, and thus can find nothing to relate and get no enjoyment from said movie. With this group of tossers, all I felt was anger. Here was a hard working man, running his business, and they intimidate, insult and ultimately attack him. Just because they think they are better than him, and that they can. Money does not give you the right to do this.

Thankfully the Authorities are involved, and they do spend the night behind bars, but one is certain that soon enough their fancy Lawyer will march in and exonerate them of all charges. I will not reveal what the outcome is, but soon enough, as the fingers are pointing in their direction, they soon start to turn on one another. Did I feel sorry for them?  Absolutely not.

 The main reason for watching the film was that it featured both Ben Schnetzer and Freddie Fox, both of whom has appeared in "Pride", and did such wonderful work. How could two films differ so  dramatically?
Very little to commend, and just left a bitter taste and one feeling rather angry.

Such a waste of talent.....3 out of 10

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