Tuesday 26 February 2013

"The 85th Annual Academy Awards" - Recap

So that was The Oscars, and how did the show fair in its 85th year?

It did well. Firstly to host Seth MacFarlane. He was good but he is from being anywhere near as classy and stylish as verteran host Billy Crystal, or as witty and funny as Whoopi Goldberg. He had some nice moments, like his opening comment about the mission to make Tommy Lee Jones smile. Bringing Capt. James. T. Kirk on screen was bizarre, not really sure whether that belonged.

It was an evening with a few surprises, a tie, which we have not seen in almost 20 years, there was a gasp from the audience, which was great fun.
There have been a few near misses with people almost falling on the steps to the stage, but tonight it actually happened. Hugh Jackman was ever the knight in shining armour coming to the rescue of Jennifer Lawrence.

There were some amazing performances. I must admit that by the time the "In Memoriam" section began, I had not realised that Barbra Streisand had not yet performed, so when they showed a picture of Marvin Hamlisch, and then the screen parted, and the great songstress started performing, the penny dropped. Am sure that Marvin would have been very proud of such a wonderful tribute, and from someone who clearly loved him very much.
It was fantastic to see Adele perform her OSCAR WINNING song from the OSCAR WINNING James Bond film "Skyfall", although it was a shame that she was occasionally drowned out by on over-enthusiastic orchestra.

On an individual basis, the night belonged to the legendary Dame Shirley Bassey, her performance of "Goldinger" was quite out of this world. It was a tad disappointing that the James Bond tribute did not amount to more, in that there had been whispers that all six actors would be involved.
Nice that Dame Shirley got the first standing ovation of the night.

Was it me or was Catherine Zeta Jones miming?  Strongly suspect she was. But there were some amazing performances from the likes of Jennifer Hudson, and also the cast of "Les Miserables" in a quite stunning performance. Really brought the house down.

Some of the Presenters fell truly flat on their faces, more so than Jennifer Lawrence. Look at Oscar winner Sandra Bullock, what was she babbling about? But even she was overshadowed by the truly awful Melissa McCarthy and Paul Rudd. Their stint at presenting was dire, and I really wanted them to be ejected from the stage. 

Regarding my predictions, out of the main eight, I got seven correct, so was delighted with that, the only one I got wrong was Best Director.

On the whole, the results went pretty much as expected, there was very little surprise, despite the potential for there to be a few shocks.
Performances were amazing, and it has to rank as one of the best shows for the entertainment, cannot recall many other Oscar Broadcasts where there were so many great artists on stage.
Now the burning question - would I have Seth MacFarlane back as host? The answer would be yes, but only to give him one more opportunity to see if he can improve on his lacklustre MC efforts this time round. He had the potential to be a great host, and it did not show.

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