Sunday 3 February 2013

"Les Miserables"

The Musical has dominated theatres around the World for the last 25 years, it has spawned numerous film versions, but comes the ultimate with the musical big screen release of "Les Miserables".

A huge undertaking, and a highly anticipated film for some time, there was considerable pressure on the studio and the Director to get it right, and that is exactly what they have done. A near flawless adaptation with an all star cast, beautifully bringing this epic to life.

I am sure that you all must know the story, but just in case......
Jean Valjean is in prison, he was desperate trying to feed his family, and stole some food. The French justice system being hat it is, locked him away for 5 years. His sentence is constantly being extended as he keeps trying to escape. Eventually his time comes, and is released on parole. Constantly watching over him whilst he was incarcerated was Javert, a prison guard, and later Police Officer. He takes a keen interest in the life of Valjean.
Valjean finds sanctuary with a Priest, and repays that hospitality by stealing their silver. Upon discovery in a nearby town, the Police confront the Priest with Valjean and the stolen Silver. The priest agrees with the story that Valjean has given them, in that the Priest gave him the Silver. Amazed by this turn of events, the Priest informs Valjean that he has bought a new life for the Convict with the Silver, and he is to do good by him. So Valjean breaks his Parole and sets off on a journey, with a Kings ransome in his pockets and a new life ahead of him. 
His new life begins with becoming Mayor of a town, looking after the people, he owns a factory staffed by women, ensuring they are well cared for. All goes well til one of his girls is exposed as being an unmarried mother, and is turfed out, leaving her destitute. At the same time the new Police Chief arrives, and is none other than Javert. Despite his suspicions that the Mayor is familiar to him, he does not believe that this beloved man of such high standing could be his former prisoner. That is until the undeniable truth is presented to him in a unique way. Once again Valjean must flee that justice system that is determined to put him back behind bars.

The years pass by, and Valjean has again set up a new life, the woman thrown from his factory died but he vowed to take care of her young daughter, which he does an admirable job of. But France is now close to revolution with the people wanting to rise up against their leaders, who have so much, whilst the people have so little. The lighting of the match to start the revolt is close to hand, Valjean's charge is in love with one of the revolutionaries, Javert is hot on the trail, as the flags begin to fly for freedom......

This is one of those wonderfully epic movies that only comes along every few years. The story has captivated people of all ages, and rightly so. It is the ultimate story of redemption. Totally compelling, with a host of great characters, this is one story that will continue to be heard long after I am gone. Bringing this Cinematic masterpiece to the big screen is Oscar winning Director Tom Hooper. You would think that a more seasoned Director would be required, someone with years of experience, and dealing with huge epic movies. This is only the fourth film to be directed by Mr. Hooper, but such is the skill he brings, it feels like he has been doing the job for years. Like a gifted artist, he paints a broad canvas with such vivid colours.

Heading up an all star cast is Hugh Jackman, already a big name on Broadway, he really gets to flex his vocal muscles playing Valjean. Playing the cast out Fantine is Anne Hathaway. The two share some great scenes together, which is funny as they performed a duet together when Jackman was hosting the Academy Awards a few years ago. Even then they were a formidable team. Now there is no stopping them. They make truly magical music together. Both delivering career best performances, and as some have already predicted, the Academy have probably already enscribed Ms. Hathaway's name on what is surely to become her Best Supporting Actress Oscar.
Also on hand is Oscar winner Russell Crowe as Javert, giving another excellent performance, this despite the fact that he has garnered some criticism for his singing skills. I don't think that he is as bad as has been made out to be, and does an admirable job.
Amanda Seyfriend, as Cosette, has already displayed her talent when she appeared in the fabulous "Mamma Mia", and her skills are once again very evident as she plays Fantine's daughter who Valjean takes under his wing.
Eddie Redmayne plays the love interest for Cosette, Marius, one of the revolutionaries who is causing a headache for Valjean, as he is torn between his daughter's happiness and his bid to keep his freedom. At times Mr. Redayne does seem to go a lovely shade when performing some of the songs, but that is not to belittle his singing, as he does a superb job, and also gives a memorable performance, in fact I would say it is up there with Ms. Hathaways.
Helena Bonham Carter and Sacha Baron Cohen provide the entertainment as The Thenardiers'. They are a roguish couple who look after after Cosette when she is a little girl, constantly trying to extort more money for her upkeep.

Visually stunning, with huge sets, a credit to the Production Designer, costumes galore, and an all round cinematic viewing that will be hard to top this year. Every department of the film is working to the best of their abilities, and that is very evident from the finished product.

If you want to see a weak example of cast members performing alongside their music then watch "Moulin Rouge". If you want a far better example then watch "Mamma Mia". But if you do want to see your film stars sining live, and oh yes it is very plain to see that they are, then this is the ONLY choice for you. It took some nerve to convince a studio to let their cast sing live, to get a cast willing to go through that process, but the end result is well worth it.

What an amazing start to 2013, you will be far from miserable after watching this film.......10 out of 10.


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