Sunday 24 February 2013


There are certain expectations that one would have as the passenger of an airplane, a comfortable(ish) seat, maybe a window seat, and a Pilot who has not been under the influence of either alcohol or drugs, and also had a decent nights sleep.
For one group of Passengers on board a flight to Atlanta, they are not so lucky with their Pilot. Captain Whitaker has unfortunately, for them, been guilty of all counts. Does this impair his ability to fly the airplane?
It is only a short internal flight, with a flying time of less than an hour. Yet half way through their flight, the plane loses power, and starts to nose dive. Whitaker aware of the fact that he is losing control of his plane does the unthinkable and inverts the plane, in other words he turns it upside down. Despite being the opposite way he normally flies a plane, this actually gives him back some control. He is then able to flip the plane back over the correct way, and find a clear area to crash land. Remarkably out of the 102 people on board, only 6 are killed in the incident. Whitaker is hailed a hero for doing the impossible, and miraculously saving the lives of almost everyone on board.

At the same time we also encounter Nicole, who is on the set of a porn film. One at first thinks that we have changed films. She has a drug problem, and is keen to get her next hit, this she does though is warned not in inject. Despite the warning, she does inject, and overdoses, ending up in hospital, and this is where these two rather damaged souls meet. A chord is struck between the two of them.
But where Nicole is keen to rid herself of her demons, and end her dependancy on drugs, Whip is less keen or more so less able.
He is under investigation by the Airport Authorities, as although he is being hailed a hero for saving so many lives, there were still six that perished, and there are questions to be answered, especially when two small empty bottles of alcohol are found in the wreckage, and it could only have been Crew members who had access.

Everyone is calling him the hero of the hour, his face is all over the news and press, Cameras constantly wanting their 15 mins with Whitaker, being interviewed by the Aviation Governing body, and trying to put his life back together.

There has been a lot of hoo ha about the realities of what is done to the plane in the film, and whether it would be actually possible. The majority seem to favour that it could not be done, but what you have to remember is that the actions taken by Whitaker are the catalyst for the remainder of his journey, and that is what should be concentrated on.
There are times when you watch Washington on screen, and you are so immersed in his brilliant performance. You feel that Whip is close to cracking, and having another drink, and you just try to will him to stop.
The finale of the film is the hearing that will decide Whip Whitaker's fate, and it is here where Washington really does shine, giving his all as we see what the future has in store.

It is obvious for all to see why Washington has been Oscar nominated, and there is an equally great supporting cast on hand also.
It is worth seeing the film alone for the plane crash, especially for someone like me who loves disaster movies. It is incredibly tense, well shot, and has one on the edge of their seat. The Direction from Robert Zemeckis is top notch, and as a whole is a really great movie.

A fly away hit.......8 out of 10

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