Wednesday 15 February 2012

" Sherlock Holmes A Game of Shadows"

It may baffle some as to why one has seen this sequel given the loathing I had for the first film. I can sum it up in four words......curiosity and Stephen Fry.

So Mr. Downey Jr can thank the increase in box office takings to the host of "Q.I". Mr. Fry is indeed in the movie playing the at times clotheless Mycroft, brother to Sherlock.
In the film the dynamic duo must face up to their greatest nemesis, Professor Moriarty, as he seeks to bring an end to the civilised world.
At times the film is visually stunning, there is a sequence when Holmes and party are effecting their escape in a forest, and some rather large cannons are used to bring their escape to an end, it is a very effective sequence, a highpoint of the film.

The chemistry between Downey Jr. and Law is undeniable, and a real strength of the film. But like the first film, the characters of Holmes and Watson are so different to any pair previosuly seen, though thankfully not as oddball as they were in that first film.

But the saving grace of the film is Jared Harris as Prof. Moriarty. He is very chilling, bringing real fear to the role, and there are times, when if you close your eyes, you can hear his father speak.

Elementary that it is an improvement......6 out of 10

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