Sunday 19 February 2012

"The Darkest Hour"

You're in Russia, looking to close a major business deal, and then you get shafted by one of your trusty colleagues, what could be worse than that?
Hmmm..maybe a visit from an Alien race, who cause death and destruction wherever they go. They seem to gave a thing around electricity, and this could also be their downfall.
The rest of the film is about a band of lucky survivors, trying to stay alive and also find a way to rid the Earth of these pesky alien beings.

The film may be in 3D, but the characters are barely one dimensional. The film also suffers from a poor script, and lack of any engaging story. The 3D effect itself was such a waste of time, and could have been used far more productively.

The only saving graces are some quite good effects and a short running time......a rather appropriate film title.......4 out of 10

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