Sunday 19 February 2012

"Man on a Ledge"

A man checks into a beautiful hotel room, he orders a nice meal, which he consumes, and then proceeds to open a window and venture out onto the ledge. Thus ensues chaos as the local Police Department aim to get him from the ledge, albeit not taking the quick route.
After some investigation, the Police discover that the man on the ledge is Nick Cassidy, a former Police Officer who has recently escaped from prison, whilst attending his Father's funeral. He was doing time for stealing a diamond from wealthy business man David Englander.
Clearly Cassidy has a much bigger plan than just jumping of a hotel ledge. His aim is distraction. Whilst he is keeping the Police busy with him on the ledge, his baby Brother and his brother's girlfriend can break into Englander's offices and steal the actual diamond.

I can sum this film up in one simple word.......predictable. We have been here so many times before, and sadly this latest film gives us very little that is new or exciting to arouse our interest. Ed Harris as Englander is almost a pantomime villain and is worthy of far better roles. Sam Worthington and Jamie Bell are ok playing the diamond stealing brothers, but again their considerable talents could be put to far better use.

Director Asger Leth certainly needs to work on building tension and suspense, and maybe even throw in a surprise or two. The great unveil as to who was conspiring with Englander was no great reveal at all. They should just have worn t-shirts saying "I am a bad guy" as it was so obvious.

"Man on a Ledge" should clearly have jumped.......5 out of 10


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