Sunday 19 February 2012

"The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo"

Remakes are at times unnecessary and at times are a delight. I cannot for the life of me understand why everyone is championing this film so much. If you want to heap praise then do it on the Swedish original, now that is where the kudos should be going, and I think it has done to a degree.
I am baffled as to why the remake has been done so quickly....maybe to cash in on the success of the original film. Maybe there are some film going countries where the cinema attendees there cannot be bothered to watch a subtitled film (you know who you are), and if that is the case, then shame on you. I can understand the praise to a degree if there was something vastly different or that added something new, but it is virtually a carbon copy. To give massive praise to this remake is like saying that Gus Van Sant is a masterly film-maker in the same mould as Alfred Hitchcock for his remake of "Psycho". Had this been a stand alone film, and not a remake, then it would have been scoring either a 9 or 10 out of 10.
The cast are all excellent, the photography is stunning. Another two huge compliments are the score by Trent Ross and Atticus Finch, and also the opening title sequence, which has to be one of the most imaginitive and best I have ever seen.

If you have not seen the original, and you only see this version, then yes you will love it, as indeed most people have, if you have seen the Swedish film already, then you may feel a little empty at the end.
bättre.......7 out of 10

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