Sunday 19 February 2012

"The Iron Lady"

However much I adore Meryl Streep, and believe me I do, if you had told me that she was going to portray British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher in a biopic, I would no doubt have laughed. As great an actress as Ms. Streep is, even I would have it a step too far. And how wrong I would have been.

The film opens with our former Prime Minister causing a broo ha ha after having gone out to buy some milk. She has breakfast with Denis, and they chat whilst having their morning meal. The thing is that Denis has been dead some 7 years. We are being witness to  Britain's former leader suffering with dimentia, after having suffered a number of strokes. From here the film makes several journeys into the past, beginning with her humble beginnings as the Daughter of  Grantham shop-keeper, her first steps on the Political ladder, her meeting and marrying Denis, and then becoming an M.P.

The journey to become an M.P. was certainly not as easy one, and then to become leader of the Conservative Party and then Prime Minister was quite a task. The film depicts her as a fighter, and someone who will not backdown, no matter what the cost. It is a truly fascinating look at Britain's only female Prime Minister, and it has led me to want to find out more about her.

The supporting cast are all excellent, some of Britain's finest actors all doing a fine job. Jim Broadbent is quite something as Denis Thatcher, Olivia Colman gives a really beautiful performance as Carol Thatcher, one quite moving moment is when the daughter tells the mother a few truths that she seems incapable to take on board.
In the Cabinet there is Richard E. Grant looking wonderfully slimy as Michael Heseltine, and there is marvellous Anthony Head who is amazing as Geoffrey Howe, he brings a real statesman like grace to his portrayal.

But leading this extraordinary cast is Meryl Streep, in one of her greatest performances ever. It is so much more than an impersonation of Margaret Thatcher, she becomes Margaret Thatcher. Ms. Streep is well known for the lengths she goes to in creating the right performance, and here every aspect of Mrs. Thatcher is wonderfully brought to life by the greatest Actress the world has ever known. It is also why the Academy should already start engraving Ms. Streep's name on the Best Actress Oscar.

If there is one minor criticism, it is that the film does not give ample time to some of the huge events that took place during Margaret Thatcher's time as Prime Minister. They are all mentioned but at times all too briefly. It is a shame that the film was not a little longer. It could have easily have managed another 30 minutes.
But that aside, this is a first class film, and no matter what your opinions of Mrs. Thatcher, there is no doubting the creative team behind this powerful film are all at the top of their game.

Meryl Streep is The Iron Lady..........9 out of 10

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