Tuesday 1 November 2011

"The Three Musketeers"

Well it was never going  to demand much of the brain was it?  I did expect to really not like this movie, but as is often the case, the film industry can surprise you. It is the same old story of The Musketeers are in decline, and barely in use these days. Off to make his fortune and join in is young D'Artagnan. Richelieu is plotting some dastardly scheme, along with the help of Lord Buckingham. And then it all kicks off in a wonderful romp.

It is one of those movies that if you leave your brain in the foyer and just go along for the ride, then you will find it as entertaining as this viewer. There are some great moments, wonderful set pieces, the sets and costumes are amazing, there is some nice light relief, quite a bit is courtesy of James Corden, who I did not know was in the film.

With all the ships flying around, and a score similar in nature, it has a feel more like "Pirates of the Caribbean", and certainly more like what "Pirates" should have been like, especially the awful "On Stranger Tides".

The cast are all good fun, the three leads are are decent enough, and Logan Lerman is ok as the young addition to the group. Special mention  to Christoph Waltz hamming it up wonderfully, and Mads Mikkelsen doing villainry as only he can.

The film is geared for a sequel, but given the lack of money taken at the Box office, and the lead actress slamming Summit Entertainment for their lack of publicising the film, don't expect the second movie anytime soon, if indeed at all. Shame really.

All for one.........6 out of 10

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