Wednesday 9 November 2011


The stars certainly came out for this one.
Normally any of the main stars of this film can carry a picture by themselves, but here they are together for Director Steven Soderbergh, with enough Oscars between them to almost fill the Shrine Auditorium.

The film is concerned with the latest virus epidemic which is sweeping across the US, and indeed the rest of the World. The film concerns itself with the plight of certain individuals, the Father who has lost his wife and son, and struggles to survive along with his daughter. There are two Physicians battling to find a cure for the disease. The Blogger who believes in telling the truth about the disease and the alledged billions being made by Companies, and the cover-up over the spread of the virus. It is these stories that give the film its humanity, and those stories are well told.

Soderbergh is adequate in the Director's chair, but has done far better work. Of the actors, Matt Damon is the star that shines brightest, as he usually does.

Well I first heard about this virus thriller from Warner Bros. I immediately thought back to their last effort, the thriller "Outbreak", and if one is to do a comparison, then for me "Outbreak" is far in front. What was most chilling was the simplicity of what caused the virus, and how quickly it took effect.

The shape of things to come?????............6 out of 10

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