Wednesday 16 November 2011

"Machine Gun Preacher"

Sam Childers is not a particularly nice man. He has been imprisoned, he has little respect for his wife, is not much of a father, he drinks, does drugs, has little inclination to get a job, and has violent tendancies. Not exactly a dream catch. When out with his drug taking friend, a man is killed. Full of remorse, Sam follows his wife's example and turns to God for salvation. Sam becomes a better man, a family man, someone committed to making amends, to getting work. During a talk at their local church, they here from a Pastor who preaches in Africa, and tells the congregation of the plight of the people of Sudan. Sam wants to visit Africa, to see if he can help, put his building skills to good use.
He gets to see first hand the death and destruction caused by the locals rebels on the people of Sudan. Seeing nowhere for these people to sleep at night, his aim is to build an orphanage, a refuge for them to take shelter.
The rebels don't take kindly to this white man interferring with the affairs of their country. The white man stands strong against the might of the rebels, at considerable cost. His family start to feel neglected with his spending more time in Sudan than with them, and he is draining their ever decreasing finances to fund his work with the Orphanage.

It is a truly remarkable story, and unfortunately for the people of Sudan, the horrors inflicted upon them continue today. It is the ultimate story of bad man turned good. But although you may think it is Sam's story, it is about the People of Sudan. Words cannot adequately describe what they continue to go through. It is at times a harrowing film, and very moving, one feels so helpless watching it.
The film is brilliantly directed by Marc Forster, who again shows what a master craftsman he is, following in the likes of "Monsters Ball" and "The Kite Runner", and really making up for the travesty that was "Quantum of Solace".
Gerard Butler gives an amazing performance as Sam Childers, it shows a different side to his acting skills, taking a step back from those action packed roles we are used to seeing him in.

There are many slogans used for the advertising of this film, to say how brilliant it is, believe every single word....they are true......9 out of 10

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