Tuesday 29 November 2011


When your wife is attacked and left for dead, you want to know that the Police are going to do something about it, that justice will prevail.
Will Gerard, is in that very situation, and whilst waiting in the Hospital for news of his wife's condition, he is approached by the mysterious Simon. He tells Will that he and his associates can deal out their own brand of justice, that they will find the man responsible, and 'deal with him' accordingly. In return, they will call on Will at some point in the future to do a service for them, how very "Godfather" of them!!

After some mulling over, Will agrees, and the guilty party is promptly found dead by the Police, the victim of an apparent suicide. Will and his wife return to normal life, until Simon reappears. First a little task here then a little favour there. Then it gets serious, when Simon wants Will to kill a Paedophile. Understandably, Will is reluctant to agree. But when Simon starts to apply considerable pressure, Will agrees. The Paedophile is killed, though the problem is that he is actually an investigative reporter, and doing a piece on Simon and his associates. And before you start wondering why Will cannot go to the Authorities, it is because those aformentioned associates are in some cases working for the Authorities. How bally inconvenient.

Roger Donaldson is a Director whose films I always thoroughly enjoy watching, well until now. he has made some very memorable movies, but this has to rank as probably the worst. The plot is pretty bad, with many holes, and the convenience of the plot overules the opportunity to make a decent thriller. Nicolas Cage brings little to the role of Will, and Guy Pearce is almost playing a Pantomime villain, he should really have a long moustache to twirl.

Should have been a lot better.........3 out of 10

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