Tuesday 6 March 2012

"Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace"

Episode one of the "Star Wars" franchise makes yet another return to the big screen, now with the added element of 3D.

I am not going to prattle on about the story as I am sure that everyone from Tatooine to Alderaan knows what happens and to whom. It has been a while since I last viewed the film, and I had forgotten as to how uninspiring it was. I remember a lot of negative criticism at the time the film was released, and it would seem that most of it was justified. The film is far too long, and could have easily had 15 minutes trimmed from its cutting time. It just moves along or should that be drags along at a slow pace.
There is a race sequence where Qui Gon aims to get the freedom of Anakin Skywalker, the race is aiming to do for "Star Wars" what the chariot race did for "Ben-Hur" and it fails miserably.
At times visually it is stunning, but also there are times when it is so obvious that whatever is on screen is a visual effect. I appreciate that the film was made 13 years ago, and things have moved on in leaps and bounds since then, but it did not help this particular viewing of the film.

And as is becoming the norm, the 3D element added nothing to the film. Quite clearly the 3D format is still a long way off from being great.

Good, but better is to come.......6 out of 10

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