Tuesday 13 March 2012

"John Carter"

The latest 3D epic from Disney, sees a western pioneer in the shape of John Carter who is searching for a Cave of Gold. Upon his journey he potentially finds his fortune, only to stumble across an alien, who he promptly shoots, and then with the transportation device the alien used, Carter finds himself in another place, in fact another world, namely Mars.

Once on Mars, where he has incredible powers due to the gravitational difference, he is caught in a war between two cities.
I am not going to waste any more valuable time discussing this dreadful film, but I can say that the plot is a mess, the visuals are at times impressive, but for the most part disappoint. The film was dull, boring, it had little to engage the viewer, some quite dreadful acting with a cast delivering some equally dreadful lines, and yet again the 3D aspect was barely noticeable.And with a running time of 132 minutes, it is woefully overlong.

Ciaran Hinds deserves so much better, and should have known better......3 out of 10

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