Tuesday 6 March 2012


We have seen it all before, a loner, feeling the weight of the World is against him, gains great power and builds to a big climax.....if it is so familiar, then why is "Chronicle", for me, going to feature in my top Ten films of the year?

There are many reasons, but first a little more background on the story.
Andrew Detmer is a quite sole, no friends to speak of, his mother is dying of cancer, and his father drinks heavily and beats Andrew at times. His only contact is with his cousin Matt. Andrew decides to document his life with a video camera, whether seeing his mothers deterioration, or the violence he suffers at the hands of his father, everything is on film. This also includes his day to day activity at school, although at times this causes him more hassle as the other pupils give him more grief. But again it documents the teasing and bullying that he is subjected to at school.
Andrew and Matt go to a Frat party, and despite Matt's protestations, Andrew takes the video recorder. Matt pals up with Steve, the local jock who is running for Class President. They are outside when they happen upon something unusual, an unknown alien artifact or organism in the ground, and get Andrew to bring his recorder to document their findings. It is not made cear what it is, or why it is here, but that is of little consequence. The main thing is that it gives the lads super-powers.
They start by using them a little at a time, and doing the fun things that lads are going to do with them. As they use their powers more, their capabilities grow stronger, and they can do so much more, and this includes flying.
As the three unlikely friends become inseperable, Andrew's problems at home really escalate, and he is desperate to help his mum get medication that they cannot afford. Events start to unfold, tensions rise as the film builds to a cracking finale.

There are so many pluses to this film. The characters are introduced efficiently, and with a nice backstory. One reason that speed was of the essence is that the film has a running time of just under an hour and a half, but it does not waste a single minute. It nicely shows what the lads get upto in the beginning with their powers and the fun they would naturally have.
Technically the film is oustanding, the visual effects are first class, and the flying sequences just have to be seen on the big screen. It seems incredible that for a film with such high quality visuals that it only had an estimated budget of $12 Million. Now there is an example of how to spend money wisely.

The film ends with a stunning finale, I am not going to talk in detail about it, as that would spoil it for any potential future viewers, but rest assured it does not disappoint. It is action packed, has you on the edge of your seat, and at times very moving, epecially when the relationship between Andrew and Matt is taken to the limit.
I have to confess that I was not familiar with any of the cast prior to seeing the film, and I believe that having a cast of unknowns has really helped the movie. All give great performances but most especially Dane DeHaan as Andrew and Alex Russell as Matt, two great young actors, and names to watch out for.
Again Director Josh Trank was not a familiar name, which is hardly surprising, as this is his Feature film debut, and what a fantastic start to a great career he has ahead of him. Josh is also co-writer alongside Max Landis, who is indeed son of Director John Landis, and Max clearly exhibits some of his Father's former genius.

From start to finish "Chronicle" delivers on every level, 84 minutes of brilliance - 9 out of 10

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