Tuesday 6 March 2012

"Safe House"

Denzel Washington moves to the dark side in his latest film as fugitive Tobin Frost. Whilst in South Africa he is trying to acquire some information from a rogue British Spy which he then intends to sell to the highest bidder. But things go all to cock when the Brit Spy is taken out of the equation, and a team of highly trained men are after both Frost and the information.

Seeing no way out, he makes his way to the American Embassy, and from there he is to be transported to a Safe House.
He enters Matt Weston, he has a great job, he generally juust sees to the day to day running of a South African Safe House, answering the odd phone call, nothing particularly exciting (rather like the film) until Tobin Frost is escorted to the House for safe keeping. Safe that is until that team of mercenaries arrive, keen to get Frost into their possession. A major gunfight follows, which sees Weston flee the Safe House with Frost in the car boot.

The rest of the film consists of a tug of war between Frost and Weston, one trying to escape from the other, and also stay ahead of the mercenaries. There is also a rogue element within the CIA, but like the rest of the film, one really does not give a toss.
The photography is far too in your face, the performances are all bland, with the exception of Washington who manages to acheive something with a very one dimensional character. The story is not at all engaging, it becomes tiresome, and the film is very violent. As for the rogue element, well there are no surprises there.

Washington and Gleeson deserve better........5 out of 10

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