Tuesday 26 May 2015

"San Andreas" - Special Preview Screening

It has been said in these reviews before, but for those who may not know, I am a huge fan of the Disaster movies of the 1970's. Leave me watching a Blu Ray of either "The Towering Inferno" or "Earthquake" and I am a very happy man.

And the latter of those two classics is an apt choice, given this film from Warner Bros. and New Line, as it is a modern take on that classic Earth trembling story.
Back in 1974 we had our lead couple (Charlton Heston & Ava Gardner) on the brink of divorce. A Building Designer (Lorne Greene) looking to add a new addition to the Los Angeles skyline. And at the Seismology Institute, impending disaster is predicted by a top Scientist (Kip Niven) but the warnings go unheeded.

We jump forward 41 years, (Wow has it really been that long), and very little has changed. Our Hero Ray is estranged from his Wife Emma, Ioan Gruffudd is in the process of building the biggest skyscraper in San Francisco, and Paul Giamatti predicts a disaster on an epic level.

So as you can see all the boxes have been ticked. Whenever watching a film of this nature I am always very weary, as I usually expect it to literally be a disaster, as was the case with "2012". But from the opening moments, we see nature at its most devastating. As a series of small but deadly quakes rock both Los Angeles and San Francisco, Ray does all he can to rescue both his estranged Wife and also his daughter Blake. The human element is brilliantly done with this family, and also with Blake in that coming to her moment of need are two young British lads, two Brothers, one of whom is applying for a job in Gruffudd's new Offices.

Understandably the biggest difference between this film and the 1974 classic is the visuals, and oh my word they are truly awesome. But where "2102" got it so wrong, with some ridiculous set pieces, this film has the right level of believability, and also maintaining a high level of suspense. Yes the action does the increase the old heart rate.
Leading the battle against Mother Nature is Dwayne Johnson as Ray, our Hero, and again perfectly played and written. He may look larger than life, but he is not an over the top death defying man of action, he is a credible Helicopter Pilot, just doing all he can to save his family, and Johnson excels in the role. Daddario and Gugino are also really good as the the ladies in his life.
Paul Giamatti adds to the cast with his performance as Seismologist Lawrence, who sees early on in the film what devastation it can cause during a trip to the Hoover Dam. We also have a guest cameo from a certain Songstress.  Hugo Johnstone-Burt and Art Parkinson are totally charming as the two British brothers, in fact Parkinson comes close to stealing the show with a really great performance.

A rousing score comes courtesy of Andrew Lockington, but a tip of the hat to Director Brad Peyton for bringing all the key elements together, and achieving a first class Disaster movie, one of a high standard that we have not seen for some time.
There are going to be both IMAX and 4DX screenings, and I would strongly urge to see the film in this format. With this being a preview screening, it was a traditional screen room, but rest assured come the weekend, I will be seeing it again on the IMAX.

See it...........feel it.................love it......9 out of 10

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