Sunday 17 May 2015

"Big Game"

With no disrespect to Mr. Jackson, I was not expecting a great deal from this movie. In fact I was expecting to be giving it a very low score.  But I like the fact that movies still can surprise one.

US President William Moore is not particularly popular. He may even rival President G.W. Bush for his lack of fans. That being said, he is still heading to Helsinki, for a pre G8 Summit meeting. With him is his trusty Head of Secret Service, who is shortly due to retire due to being hit by a bullet, intended for the President.

Meanwhile, in a small village in Finland, a small group of villagers are congregating for their rites of passage event. This occurs when a boy turns 13. Hunting and fishing are the main pastimes, and even way of life within the village. And turning 13 is the moment that the village send a boy out into the forests, and see if he returns a man. He is sent to test kis skills with bow and arrow, see what the forest offers him, and what he can bring back as a trophy. Though given his size, many of the villagers believe he will fail. He hopes to prove them wrong.

Air Force One is making its way over Finland, and during the journey there is an attack from some nasty looking terrorists who are ground based, and have launched a missile at the Presidents plane. Following usual protocols, the President is evacuated in an escape pod, and Special Agents are not far behind, jumping out with parachutes. The only problem is that there is there is someone on the inside helping the terrorists, and the President will soon find himself alone, in Finland, with little help.
And that little helps in the form of Oskari, and his trusty bown and arrow, though his proficiency at it is somewhat lacking. They must not only tackle the elements but deal with the terrorists.

As it sounds, it is complete tosh, but I have to say I found it highly entertaining. It is one of those films where no brain is required. But what did prove to be the biggest surprise was Onni Tommila, who not only gives a really good performance, but his character is the most engaging and interesting of the film. It is fascinating to see him on screen, and how he plays him, and also the relationship he has with his Father, and how he is perceived by his fellow villagers.
And naturally Mr. Jackson is as pleasing as ever, though with it being a 12A, it is a little short on his usual level of cursing !!
There is also a rather unusual piece of casting regarding Jim Broadbent as a CIA Analyst, and during his role he does the most un-Jim Broadbent-ly thing I have ever witnessed (Did that make sense?)

I know that there have been some damning reviews, but I was pleasantly surprised by this movie, and regard my time at the Cinema reasonably well spent.....................6  out of 10

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