Sunday 17 May 2015

"Mad Max: Fury Road"

I have to this review by saying that I am not in any way a fan of the original movies. So I suppose it begs the question, why on earth am I watch this new film?

The future, a post apocalyptic desolate wasteland. Pretty much nothing but sand, where very litttle grows. Roaming the sand dunes are gangs of psychotic tribes, driving around in the most bizarre vehicles.
Immortan Joe rules, he controls the people, the supply of water, and rages a constant battle for fuel. Battling all this is Max, a former Police Officer, who has lost his wife and daughter, and now battles his own demons as well.

To answer my original question, when I saw the trailer, I was stunned by the visuals, which looked quite amazing. Also I felt that enough time had passed since having seen the original movies, that it was time to reacquaint myself with Mad Max and the world he is from. It must be 20 years since I last saw a Mad Max film, and I would be quite happy for the same amount of time to pass by before I see, if I see another one.

As a piece of entertainment, I cannot see what there is to be entertained by. The visuals are at times quite remarkable but it is so not enough to warrant 120 minutes of viewing. I just see what the point of the film is, just like the originals. Tom Hardy is a great actor, and is woefully underused. I would say that Charlize Theron has the better role.

The film is as barron as the wasteland that it is set in.............4 out of 10

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