Tuesday 12 August 2014

RIP - Robin Williams - A Tribute

I have to say that this is one tribute I did not expect to be writing just yet. Despite some personal demons, Robin Williams was always someone who struck me as being so full of life.
A short while ago we Brits said goodbye to one of our Comedy legends, gone all too soon, when we said farewell to Rik Mayall. Now America has lost one of its truest comedy talents.

For fans of Cinema or Comedy it is a very sad day. To lose someone who has given so much to the World of Entertainment is always upsetting, but he really did go too soon.
From those early beginnings on "Mork & Mindy", to Oscar winning success, he really was an incredible talent. Initially best known for film Comedy roles, but he did eventually move into drama and gave some quite remarkable performances.
Anyone who has seen either "Insomnia" or "One Hour Photo" will know what I am referring to. Such dark and powerful peformances, in roles that you remember long after leaving the Cinema.

As a Stand-Up comedian, there are few who could equal his humour, his energy, his love of what he did. I have seen numerous routines that he did, and you cry with laughter time and time again.

Of his varied career, there are many highpoints. His tremendous success in "Mrs. Doubtfire" was rightly deserved. Strong performances in films like "Goooooooooood Morning Vietnam", "Awakenings, and a personal favourite of mine, and one I think he should have won the Oscar for, namely "Dead Poets Society".
He did however win a Supporting Actor Oscar, and rightly so for his work on "Good Will Hunting". I can picture now host Billy Crystal beaming with such pride as his best friend gets the Award. It was a moving moment, and a great Oscar celebration.
There are so many great movies, and some which were not as beloved by others, but I still love all the same, films like "Jack", "Father's Day" and I loved seeing him in the remake of "The Birdcage".

As a fan of Parkinson, the appearances by Robin Williams on the show, are now the stuff of legend, even managing to upstage Stephen Fry.

As we shed tears at your all too early passing, we know that heaven will soon be full with tears of laughter. You entertained us, you made us laugh and cry in equal measure. You are a one off, and someone we will never EVER forget. RIP Robin......"Nanu, Nanu"

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