Thursday 15 May 2014


The Gilbey Brothers bring us their latest film, which is based on a remarkable true story.

Sam and his little band of followers do well for themselves. Are they really good at the commodities market?  Have they got that one item to sell that no-one else has? Do they provide a service which is in great demand?  No. They commit credit card fraud. They steal peoples card data, and then by cloning the cards they go on a huge spending spree, and then sell the items and enjoy the cash.
When pulling off one particular job, they just happen to rip off the wrong guy, as he is an accountant for a rather unpleasant gangster, Marcel. The team are given a choice of producing a few million pound to appease his wrath, or run the risk of losing vital parts of their anatomy before ending up six feet under.

So in order to put right what they have done because of card fraud, they decide to rectify by doing card fraud, but on a grand scale. Initially they plan to make enough money to get Marcel off their backs, but then a plan comes to mind to sort him, and to set them all up for life.

Can they pull off the biggest job and save their lives? Or does the old saying that crime never pays ring true?

This is a distinctly average film. I would love to know how much of the film is based on fact, and how much has been doctored to appeal to the movie going audience. Its like an empty present, it looks pretty on the outside but it pretty disappointing when you open the box to find nothing there.
Out of the cast, Will Poulter shines above all his fellow members, and the film is well photographed.
I suppose I had high expectations, given that the Gilbey brothers previous film was "A Lonely Place To Die"  (Review available on here), and I rank this is a truly exceptional thriller. So it is a shame that this new effort barely gets close to that earlier movie.

Ok, but that is as exciting as one gets.......5 out of 10

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