Tuesday 6 May 2014

"Muppets Most Wanted"

Who wasn't a huge fan of The Muppets when they were a kid growing up? It was essential television viewing and so successful, they even branched out onto the big screen with a series of, to start with, very successful movies.
Their return to the big screen 3 years ago was hailed as a return to form, lord knows why it was not that great a movie. It was ok but nothing spectacular. But the masses loved it and return they have with this sequel.
We open right where the last film ended, and The Muppets flush with success decide to take their show on the road. To make impact a new manager approaches them to take them to the biggest venues. His name is Dominic Badguy, played by Gervais. The Muppets all want to do their own thing in the show, and Kermit feels swamped, but he reluctantly agrees to hire Badguy as their new Manager.
Only it seems he has other plans. He is second in command to Constantine, the World's most dangerous frog, and who bears a remarkable resemblence to Kermit. The two swap places, and our hero Kermit ends up in the Gulag, Russia's most notorious prison, whilst Constantine and Badguy use the cover of the Muppets to raid various museums to find clues that will enable them to their end goal, steal the Crown Jewels from the Tower of London.

It may sound like an interesting plot, but rest assured it is far from entertaining. In fact I would go as far to say that the film is dire. I can only begin to imagine what Jim Henson would make of it. The Muppets have lost their shine, and far from the crowd pleasing characters we all love and remember. I know that many of the original vocal artists no longer work on the films, and they have done their best to replicate those voices, but its not quite the same, fine for a younger audience.
But the story is truly terrible, and there are so few laughs it is beyond belief.

The title is Muppets Most Wanted, which implies they have committed a criminal act. Well they sure have. The guest list of cameos is truly impressive and is one of two factors that stops the film getting a ridiculously low score.

So with a lot of regret, the film scores 2 for the cameos, and 1 point for each laugh.......4 out of 10

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